The Trial of the Germans: An Account of the Twenty-Two Defendants Before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg

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ISBN-10: 0826211399

ISBN-13: 9780826211392

Category: German History

The "definitive one-volume study of Nuremberg," The Trial of the Germans is now available in paperback. An astute observer of the Nuremberg trial, Eugene Davidson has struggled with the issues it raised: Was it a necessary response to the heinous crimes of the Third Reich? How were Germany and the Germans capable of such extraordinary evil? Was the trial just, given the claims that the defendants were simply serving their country, doing as they had been told to do? And if not just, was it...

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The "definitive one-volume study of Nuremberg," The Trial of the Germans is now available in paperback. An astute observer of the Nuremberg trial, Eugene Davidson has struggled with the issues it raised: Was it a necessary response to the heinous crimes of the Third Reich? How were Germany and the Germans capable of such extraordinary evil? Was the trial just, given the claims that the defendants were simply serving their country, doing as they had been told to do? And if not just, was it nonetheless necessary as a warning to prevent future crimes against humanity? Davidson's approach to these and other large questions of justice is made through examination of each of the defendants in the trial. His reluctant, but firm, conclusion is: "In a world of mixed human affairs where a rough justice is done that is better than lynching or being shot out of hand, Nuremberg may be defended as a political event if not as a court." Some sentences may have seemed too severe, but none was harsher than the punishments meted out to innocent people by the regime these men served. "In a certain sense," says Davidson, "the trial succeeded in doing what judicial proceedings are supposed to do: it convinced even the guilty that the verdict against them was just."Faulty as the trial was from the legal point of view, a catharsis of the pent-up emotions of millions of people had to be provided and a record of what had taken place duly preserved for whatever use later generations would make of it.

Acknowledgments1In the Palace of Justice12The Core of the Conspiracy39Julius Streicher393The Number-Two Man59Hermann Wilhelm Goering594The Party in Action and Theory99Martin Bormann99Rudolf Hess109Alfred Rosenberg1255The Diplomats147Joachim von Ribbentrop147Constantin von Neurath167Franz von Papen1766The Party and Big Business222Hjalmar Schacht222Walther Emanuel Funk2457The Law260Wilhelm Frick2608The Youth Leader283Baldur von Schirach2839The Party, the Police Forces, and the Army310Ernst Kaltenbrunner315Wilhelm Keitel328Alfred Jodl34210The Navy368Erich Raeder368Karl Doenitz39211The Proconsuls427Hans Frank427Artur Seyss-Inquart44612The War Plant and Forced Labor483Albert Speer483Fritz Sauckel50413The Propagandist525"This is Hans Fritzsche"52514The Organizations55315Two Decades Later580Bibliography595Index619

\ From the Publisher"The presentation is scholarly, well-organized, smoothly written. The pen portraits, sketched in acid, are sharp and illuminating."—L. L. Snyder, Saturday Review\ \ \