The Truth about Human Origins: An Investigation of the Creation/Evolution Controversy as It Relates to the Origin of Mankind

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Author: Brad Harrub

ISBN-10: 0932859585

ISBN-13: 9780932859587

Category: General & Miscellaneous Religion

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Ever since Charles Darwin first published The Origin of Species on November 24, 1859, the subject of origins has been one of the most controversial topics around. Sadly, it also is a subject that is fraught with erroneous theories and concepts. Most students today are taught that organic evolution is not a theory, but a "fact" that all "reputable scientists" accept. Disclaimers from the evolutionary community notwithstanding, such a claim is, quite simply, wrong. We believe it is time for someone to offer what renowned news commentator Paul Harvey would call "the rest of the story." That is what The Truth About Human Origins does. It tells the rest of the story as it discusses the scientific facts about mankind's beginning. For example, it investigates the "record of the rocks" as that record relates to human evolution. It demonstrates how evolutionary theory is unable to explain things like the origin of gender and sexual reproduction, the origin of language and communication, the origin of the brain, the mind, and human consciousness, and the origin of skin colors and blood types. It also examines in an in-depth fashion the so-called "molecular evidence" of human evolution. If you have an interest in the creation/evolution controversy, this is a book that takes it to a higher level-and a book that you definitely will want for your personal library. For additional information, see, or call us at 800/234-8558.

DedicationForewordviiIntroduction1Chapter 1The "Record of the Rocks"3Biological Taxonomy and Human Evolution4Did Man Evolve from the Apes?10An Examination of the "Record of the Rocks"12Aegyptopithecus zeuxis18Dryopithecus africanus18Ramapithecus brevirostris20Orrorin tugenensis26Australopithecus (Ardipithecus) ramidus27Australopithecus anamensis28Ardipithecus ramidus kadabba29Kenyanthropus platyops33Chapter 2The "Record of the Rocks" [Part II]41Australopithecus afarensis41Lucy's Rib Cage46Lucy's Pelvis and Gender47Lucy's Appendages-Made for Bipedalism, or Swinging from Trees?50Australopithecine Teeth: More Evidence that Lucy was Arboreal53Australopithecine Ears: Human-like or Ape-like?54Lucy: Hominid or Chimp?55Australopithecus africanus/Australopithecus boisei57The Laetoli Footprints65Homo habilis/Homo rudolfensis68Homo erectus/Homo ergaster75Homo sapiens idaltu80What Does the "Record of the Rocks" Really Show?83The Parade of Fossil Errors85Neanderthal Man86Nebraska Man88Piltdown Man89Java Man90Rhodesian Man91Conclusion92Chapter 3Molecular Evidence of Human Origins99Chromosomal Counts103Real Genomic differences105"Mitochondrial Eve"111The Demise of Mitochondrial Eve116The Molecular Clock-Dating Mitochondrial Ancestors121Serious Errors in Mitochondrial DNA Data in the Scientific Literature126Neanderthal vs. Human DNA-Is It a Match?128Chapter 4The Problem of Gender and Sexual Reproduction135"Intellectual Mischief and Confusion"-Or Intelligent Design?138From Asexual to Sexual Reproduction-The Origin of Sex142The Lottery Principle143The Tangled Bank Hypothesis145The Red Queen Hypothesis147The DNA Repair Hypothesis148Why Sex?151The 50% Disadvantage159Mars and Venus, or X and Y?163Differences Among Various Species164Differences in Animal and Human Sexuality167The Complexity of the Human Reproductive System170Anatomical Differences Between Human Males and Females173Cellular Differences Between Human Males and Females175The Future of Human Reproduction178Chapter 5The Problem of Language183Evolutionary Theories on the Origin of Speech184Adam-The First Human to Talk and Communicate186Tower of Babel-and The Universal Language188The Brain's Language Centers-Created by God189Anatomy of Speech192Birds of a Feather-Or Naked Ape?194Complexity of Language-Uniquely Human202Conclusion205Chapter 6The Problem of the Brain209Introduction209History of the Brain212The Evolution of the Brain215Growing Neurons237The Brain Versus a Computer241Twelve Cranial Nerves242Conclusion244Chapter 7The Evolution of Consciousness [Part I]247The Origin of Life248The Origin of the Genetic Code251The Origin of Sex252The Origin of Language and Speech253The Origin of Consciousness-"The Greatest of Miracles"253Importance of Human Consciousness253"Mystery" of Human Consciousness256Consciousness in General257Consciousness and the Brain259Consciousness and the Mind260Consciousness Defined262Why-and How-Did Consciousness Arise?271Why Did Consciousness Arise?272Why Do We Need Consciousness?276How Did Consciousness Arise?286Evolutionary Bias and the Origin of Human Consciousness296What Does All of This have to do with the Origin of Human Consciousness?301Radical Materialism-A "Fishy" Theory306Do Animals Possess Consciousness?313The Brain, the Mind, and Human Consciousness328Materialism, Supernaturalism, and the Brain/Mind Connection330The Concept of Mind333Chapter 8The Evolution of Consciousness [Part II]347Theories of the Origin of Human Consciousness347The "Hard Problem" of Human Consciousness350"Failure is not an Option"352Theories of Human Consciousness353Dualism354Monism361Psychical Monism363Radical Materialism (Functionalism)364Panpsychism373Epiphenomenalism375Identity Theory382Nonreductive Materialism/Emergent Materialism387Dualist-Interactionism393Conclusion419Chapter 9The Problem of Skin Color and Blood Types429What is a "Race"?435Why So Many Racial Characteristics?439The Origin of Man's "Colors"443Other Factors448Differences Between Human and Animal Blood Types453Components of Human Blood454Different Blood Types457The Adam and Eve Issue458Humans, Animals, and Blood459What about Blood Types of Other Animals?459What about Hibernation?460What about Birds?461What about Fish?461Conclusion461Chapter 10Conclusion463References467Subject Index507Name Index513