The Women Who Raised Me: A Memoir

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Author: Victoria Rowell

ISBN-10: 0641916957

ISBN-13: 9780641916953

Category: Actors & Actresses - Biography

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Unlike so many children who fall through the cracks of the overburdened foster care system, Rowells experience was nothing short of miraculous—thanks to several extraordinary women who stepped forward to give Rowell the love and guidance she needed to succeed. Unabridged. 1 MP3. The Washington Post - Amy Alexander The Women Who Raised Me is a "quilt," Rowell writes, "and each woman gave me a piece of herself to sew together, to make me whole." Likely due to the "can-do Mainers" who gave Rowell her start, the author's thorough exploration of her life within and without the system is an honest, persuasive testament to her strength, and to that system's potential.

Prologue: The Viewing     1Grandmothers, Mothers, Aunts (1959-1968)Bertha C. Taylor     17Agatha Wooten Armstead     39The Wooten Sisters & the Armstead Daughters     80Mentors, Fosterers, Grande Dames (1968-1983)Esther Brooks     107Rosa Turner & Barbara Sterling ... & Linda Webb & Carol Jordan     144Sylvia Pasik Silverman     177Valentina Pereyaslavec & Paulina Ruvinska Dichter     195Dorothy & Agatha     230Sisters (1983-Present)Millie Spencer & Irene Kearney     249The Sisters Who Taught Me     279Dolores Marsalis & LaTanya Richardson Jackson     306Vicki Lynn Bevan Sawyer Collins Rowell     317Gratitudes     325Resources     327