The Yale Book of Quotations

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Author: Fred R. Shapiro

ISBN-10: 0300107986

ISBN-13: 9780300107982

Category: Peoples & Cultures - Quotations

This reader-friendly volume contains more than 12,000 famous quotations, arranged alphabetically by author. It is unique in its focus on American quotations and its inclusion of items not only from literary and historical sources but also from popular culture, sports, computers, science, politics, law, and the social sciences. Anonymously authored items appear in sections devoted to folk songs, advertising slogans, television catchphrases, proverbs, and others.\ For each quotation, a source...

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This reader-friendly volume contains more than 12,000 famous quotations, arranged alphabetically by author. It is unique in its focus on American quotations and its inclusion of items not only from literary and historical sources but also from popular culture, sports, computers, science, politics, law, and the social sciences. Anonymously authored items appear in sections devoted to folk songs, advertising slogans, television catchphrases, proverbs, and others.For each quotation, a source and first date of use is cited. In many cases, new research for this book has uncovered an earlier date or a different author than had previously been understood. (It was Beatrice Kaufman, not Sophie Tucker, who exclaimed, “I’ve been poor and I’ve been rich. Rich is better!” William Tecumseh Sherman wasn’t the originator of “War is hell!” It was Napoleon.) Numerous entries are enhanced with annotations to clarify meaning or context for the reader. These interesting annotations, along with extensive cross-references that identify related quotations and a large keyword index, will satisfy both the reader who seeks specific information and the curious browser who appreciates an amble through entertaining pages. Library Journal This collection of 12,000 quotations is a real treat! The quotes range over literature, history, popular culture, sports, computers, science, politics, law, and the social sciences, and although American quotations are emphasized, the book's scope is global. The authors represented are as diverse as William Shakespeare, John Lennon, Jack Dempsey, both Presidents Bush, J.K. Rowling, Rita Mae Brown, Confucius, Warren Buffet, and Deng Xiaoping. The entries are arranged by author, then chronologically and alphabetically by source title within the same year. A significant effort was made to trace the first published occurrence of a quotation, and whenever possible the wording is taken from the original source (which may differ from the popular version). Citations for the sources are given for each quotation, and secondary sources are given where the primary source could not be found. Electronic products such as the Times Digital Archive, JSTOR, Proquest Historical Newspapers and American Periodical Series, LexisNexis,, Questia, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and Literature Online were all used. Stumpers-L and the American Dialect Society were also consulted. Anonymous and collective quotations are listed in sections such as "Advertising Slogans," "Ballads," "Nursery Rhymes," "Radio Catchphrases," and "Proverbs." Film lines have their own section, although song lyrics are under the lyricist's name, when known. Related quotations are cross referenced. Bottom Line The scope and detail of research here is impressive, and the advanced copy's typeface and layout make the work inviting. If the index (not seen) is as thorough and well done as the body of the work, libraries will want to purchase a copy for reference and for circulation, even if they haven't been buying quotation books recently. Every library will want one for circulation because browsing it is such fun. Rosanne M. Cordell, Indiana Univ. Lib., South Bend Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.

From the S section of\ The Yale Book of Quotations: \ I've got a soul: don't tell me I haven't. Cut me up and you can't find it. Cut up a steam engine and you can't find the steam. But, by George, it makes the engine go.\ GEORGE BERNARD SHAW\ Irish author and socialist, 1856–1950\ Misalliance (1914)\ \ \ Dope will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope.\ GILBERT SHELTON\ U.S. cartoonist, 1940–\ Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers (comic strip) (1971). The original saying was probably "love" or "sex" rather than "dope."\ \ \ The law is established, which no passion can disturb. 'Tis void of desire and fear, lust and anger ... 'Tis deaf, inexorable, inflexible.\ ALGERNON SIDNEY\ English conspirator, 1622–1683\ Discourses Concerning Government ch. 3, sec. 15 (1698)\ \ \ I saw the best minds of my generation\ Reading their poems to Vassar girls,\ Being interviewed by Mademoiselle.\ Having their publicity handled by\     professionals.\ When can I go into an editorial office\ And have my stuff published because I'm\     Weird?\ I could go on like this forever.\ LOUIS SIMPSON\ Jamaican-born U.S. poet, 1923–\ "Squeal" l. 28 (1959)\ \ \ The real question is not whether machines think but whether men do.\ B. F. SKINNER\ U.S. psychologist, 1904–1990\ Contingencies of Reinforcement ch. 9 (1969)\ \ \ People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.\ ADAM SMITH\ Scottish economist and philosopher, 1723–1790\ An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations vol. I, bk. I, ch. 10 (1776)\ \ \ [On Ogden Mills after Hearst endorsed Mills for governor of New York:] William Randolph Hearst gave him the kiss of death.\ ALFRED E. SMITH\ U.S. politician, 1873–1944\ Quoted in N.Y. Times, 25 Oct. 1926. Earliest known usage of kiss of death, antedating the 1948 citation given by historical dictionaries.\ \ \ None of us really understands what's going on with all these numbers.\ DAVID STOCKMAN\ U.S. government official, 1946–\ Quoted in Atlantic Monthly, Dec. 1981. Stockman, director of the Office of Management and Budget during the Reagan Administration, was referring to the U.S. budget.

\ Library JournalThis collection of 12,000 quotations is a real treat! The quotes range over literature, history, popular culture, sports, computers, science, politics, law, and the social sciences, and although American quotations are emphasized, the book's scope is global. The authors represented are as diverse as William Shakespeare, John Lennon, Jack Dempsey, both Presidents Bush, J.K. Rowling, Rita Mae Brown, Confucius, Warren Buffet, and Deng Xiaoping. The entries are arranged by author, then chronologically and alphabetically by source title within the same year. A significant effort was made to trace the first published occurrence of a quotation, and whenever possible the wording is taken from the original source (which may differ from the popular version). Citations for the sources are given for each quotation, and secondary sources are given where the primary source could not be found. Electronic products such as the Times Digital Archive, JSTOR, Proquest Historical Newspapers and American Periodical Series, LexisNexis,, Questia, Eighteenth Century Collections Online, and Literature Online were all used. Stumpers-L and the American Dialect Society were also consulted. Anonymous and collective quotations are listed in sections such as "Advertising Slogans," "Ballads," "Nursery Rhymes," "Radio Catchphrases," and "Proverbs." Film lines have their own section, although song lyrics are under the lyricist's name, when known. Related quotations are cross referenced. Bottom Line The scope and detail of research here is impressive, and the advanced copy's typeface and layout make the work inviting. If the index (not seen) is as thorough and well done as the body of the work, libraries will want to purchase a copy for reference and for circulation, even if they haven't been buying quotation books recently. Every library will want one for circulation because browsing it is such fun. Rosanne M. Cordell, Indiana Univ. Lib., South Bend Copyright 2006 Reed Business Information.\ \