To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine

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Author: Newt Gingrich

ISBN-10: 1596985968

ISBN-13: 9781596985964

Category: Economic Conditions

America on the Brink\ The Obama administration is conspiring to transform America. They want to remake our America—of free enterprise, faith, and personal freedom—into their America—of endless bureaucracy, secularism, and state control—despite overwhelming opposition from the American people.How is this possible? How has the Obama team succeeded in adopting widely despised policies like the massive stimulus bill and the healthcare takeover? How could such a radical president and his...

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Newt Gingrich’s New York Times bestseller, To Save America, is now in paperback! Featuring a new chapter and completely updated throughout To Save America will offer the first critical analysis of the 2010 elections and will reveal what Republicans must do to get the country back on track. “History is repeating itself,” says Newt. “Republicans took back the House, just like we did in 1994.” Candidly discussing what Republicans did right—and wrong—last time they took back power, To Save America will explain how we can avoid past mistakes and roll back the Obama administration’s secular-socialist machine. “The Left is actively working to demolish our core values and beliefs and replace them with their own," declares Gingrich. “How? Through a secular-socialist machine—a corrupt bureaucracy which uses manipulation and dishonesty to steamroll the will of the people and destroy our great nation.” In the new paperback edition of To Save America, Gingrich offers concrete strategies for dismantling this machine and replacing it with policies that work. And now that Republicans have regained the House, we have an opportunity we cannot afford to squander. Biography Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, is the author of seven books, including the bestsellers Gettysburg, Contract with America, and To Renew America. He is the CEO of The Gingrich Group and an analyst for the Fox News Channel. He holds a Ph.D. in history from Tulane University.