Tropical Fishlopaedia: A Complete Guide to Fish Care

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Author: Mary Bailey

ISBN-10: 1582451664

ISBN-13: 9781582451664

Category: Pet Fish

In a straightforward, accessible format, this book introduces the hobby of tropical fishkeeping, outlining what is required in order to set up the correct environment, and what varieties of tropical fishes will thrive in an aquarium. Detailed information on choosing equipment, setting up a tank, plant selection, and water chemistry is included. You also get comprehensive coverage of how to feed your fish and how to maintain their tank. With special sections devoted to signs and symptoms of...

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In a straightforward, accessible format, this book introduces the hobby of tropical fishkeeping, outlining what is required in order to set up the correct environment, and what varieties of tropical fishes will thrive in an aquarium. Detailed information on choosing equipment, setting up a tank, plant selection, and water chemistry is included. You also get comprehensive coverage of how to feed your fish and how to maintain their tank. With special sections devoted to signs and symptoms of disease and first-aid treatments, as well as breeding tropical fish, this book has everything for the beginning hobbyist and the more experienced fishkeeper.

IntroductionSection 1: Fish Management.Chapter 1. Choosing and Buying Fish: Suitability and compatibility of species (Areas of incompatibility; Positive compatibility; Hardy fish; Population density; Stress); The general community aquarium; Sources of fish (Aquarium stores; Obtaining fish from other aquarists; Selecting stock).Chapter 2. The Classification and Names of Fish: Taxonomy and scientific nomenclature (Systematics); Scientific and common names.Chapter 3. The Main Families of Tropical Freshwater Aquarium Fish: Catfish (Mochokidae; Doradidae; Callichthyidae; Loricariidae); Characiforms (Characidae; Gasteropelecidae; Lebiasinidae); Cichlids; Cypriniforms (Cyprinidae; Cobitidae); Cyprinidonts (Family Cyprinodontidae; Poeciliidae); Labyrinth fish (Family Belontidae); Rainbowfish (Family Melanotaeniidae; Family Atherinidae).Chapter 4. Motivation and Intelligence: Motivation; Intelligence; Aspects of natural behaviour (Feeding behaviour; Escape/evasion behaviour; Breeding behaviour); Aggression (Territoriality and guarding; Predation); Body language.Chapter 5. Behavioural Problems (What if my fish…?): Feeding behaviour; Escape evasion behaviour; Breeding behaviour; Behaviour with multiple causes.Chapter 6. Transporting Fish: Matching water parameters (Temperature equalisation; Chemical equalisation; Nitrate levels); Catching fish; Moving fish from tank to tank; Packing fish (Suitable containers; The packing water; Oxygen; Scaling the bags; Insulation); Transporting fish; Unpacking.Chapter 7. Nutrition: Fish nutrition in nature (Natural foods; Feeding strategies; Other aspects of feeding behaviour); Feeding fish inaquaria; The most popular types of aquarium foods (Commercial aquarium fish foods); Live foods (Some types of live foods); Fresh foods; Fry foods; Feeding: how much and how often.Chapter 8. Breeding: General considerations (Why breed fish?; Planning ahead; Selection of breeding stock; Conditioning for breeding and triggering spawning); Breeding behaviour and breeding techniques (Breeding strategies in fish; Breeding tanks and methods; Post-spawning/parturition rest; Hatching; Care of newly-hatched fry; Rearing); Problems associated with breeding.Chapter 9. Showing: Size and scope of shows; Classes and judging; Benching; Positive aspects of showing; Negative aspects of showing; A stress-free future for fish and fishkeeper?Section 2: Aquarium Management.Chapter 10. Water: Water chemistry (Hardness); Water quality (Tap water pollutants; Pollution of rain water; Chemical pollution of the aquarium water by aquarium hardware; Pollution entering the aquarium from the domestic environment; Organic wastes generated by the aquarium flora and fauna; Partial water changes; Filtration); Gas content (The oxygen requirements of fish; Gas exchange; Aeration; Factors affecting oxygen content of the water); Water movement; Temperature.Chapter 11. Decor: Planning the decor; The importance of appropriate decor; Choosing safe decor; Substrate (Acquiring substrate materials; Preparing substrate materials for use); Background (Obtaining backgrounds); Aquarium plants (Plastic plants; Acquiring aquarium plants); Rocks (Acquiring rocks for the aquarium; Preparing rocks for use); Shells; Wood (Acquiring wooden items for aquaria; Preparing wood for aquarium use); Other items.Chapter 12. Light: Light in nature; Light in the aquarium (Dawn and dusk; Natural versus artificial lighting).Chapter 13. Equipment: Obtaining equipment (New or second-hand?); Tank, base and hood; Heating equipment (Thermostats; Heaters; Heater/stats; Thermofilters; Thermometers; Heater holders and heater guards); Aeration equipment; Filters and filter media; Other water treatment equipment; Lighting; Test kits; Other equipment; Spares.Chapter 14. Setting up an Aquarium: Planning and preparation (Siting the aquarium; Outside help; Tools and equipment; Shopping for equipment and decor; Planning the internal layout; Preparing the water; Clearing the decks); Setting up the aquarium (Planting); Maturing the aquarium; Introducing the fish.Chapter 15. Aquarium Maintenance: Daily tasks (Checking the fish; Checking equipment); Weekly tasks (Water changing; Algae removal); Filter maintenance; Caring for plants (Pruning and thinning; Fertilisation); Other maintenance tasks (Compensating for evaporation; Maintaining the lighting; Maintaining the aeration equipment; Cooling in hot weather).Chapter 16. Aquarium Crises (What if my aquarium…?).Section 3: The Fish in Health and Illness.Chapter 17. Anatomy and Physiology: Introduction; Structure and function of anatomical and physiological features (Body shape; Basic body structure; Getting around: the locomotory system; A coat of many functions: the skin; Keeping afloat: the swimbladder; Maintaining the salt balance: the osmoregulatory system; Processing the food: the digestive system; Breathing underwater: the respiratory system; Pumping blood: the circulatory system; Fish have brains: the nervous system; In touch with their environment: the sensory system; Combating disease: the immune system; Hormone messengers: the endocrine system; The next generation: reproductive strategies).Chapter 18. The Healthy Fish: Appearance; Behaviour.Chapter 19. Prevention of Disease: The prevention of different types of disease (Prevention of environmental diseases and problems; Prevention of dietary disorders; Prevention of pathogenic and parasitic diseases; Prevention of genetic diseases and disorders); Methods of avoiding the introduction of infectious diseases and parasites (Inspection; Quarantine; Disinfection); Prophylaxis.Chapter 20. Signs of illness (What if my fish…?): Observing fish for signs of illness; Diagnosing illnesses of fish; What if my fish… (Coughs?; Vomits?; 'Yawns'?; Appears to be choking?; Appears to be blind?; Won't eat?; Has a bulging eye?; Seems to be staring fixedly?; Can't shut its mouth?; Shakes its head?; Has 'worms' or other creatures attached to it?; Has spots?; Has lumps on it?; Is too thin?; Is stunted?; Changes colour?; Has what looks like cotton wool (cotton) on it?; Has holes?; Appears to be coated in slimy mucus?; Has bubbles on it, or in its faeces?; Develops a distorted shape?; Has scales which stick out?; Swells up?; Has lost some scales?; Seems to be trying to get out through the front glass?; Is less active than usual?; Hangs at the surface?; Swims at an odd angle?; Rests on the bottom?; Keeps dashing and darting around the aquarium?; Keeps scratching?; Is gasping for breath?; Hides?; 'Shimmies'?; Jumps?; Has eggs which don't hatch?; Is producing abnormal droppings?; Has worms hanging out of its 'bottom'?; Has fins which are frayed and ragged?; Clamps its fins?; Twitches its fins?; Is breathing faster than usual?; Has gills which look abnormal?; Has jumped out of the tank?).Chapter 21. Diseases Affecting Tropical Aquarium Fish: Environmental diseases (Conditions caused by incorrect water chemistry; Poisoning and other water quality problems; Problems associated with the levels of atmospheric gases in the aquarium; Problems associated with temperature; Shock and stress; Accidents, injuries and associated problems); Dietary problems; Pathogenic diseases, (Viruses and viral diseases; Bacteria and bacterial diseases; Fungus and fungal infections); Parasites (Protozoan parasites; Other parasites); Genetic diseases and disorders; Diseases with more than one possible cause.Chapter 22. Aquarium Pests: Algae; Asellus; Bristle worms; Copepods; Cyanobacteria; Hydra; Leeches; Nematode worms; Ostracods; Planarians; Snails; Tubifex worms.Chapter 23. Professional Services: The veterinarian; Fish health consultants; 'Helplines'; The pharmacist; The aquarium retailer.Chapter 24. Treatment of Diseases: General considerations (The hospital tank; Other useful equipment; The basic medicine chest; Handling fish); Methods of administering medication (Bath treatment; Topical application; Oral application via medicated food); Calculating and measuring dosages (Calculating aquarium volume; Weighing fish; Stock and working solutions).Chapter 25. Euthanasia: Acceptable methods of euthanasia; Unacceptable methods of euthanasia.Chapter 26. Health and Safety: Drugs and chemicals (Handling and storage of drugs and chemicals; Safe use of drugs and chemicals; Disposal of drugs and chemicals); Disposal of dead fish; Zoonoses.Chapter 27. Disease Treatments: Treatments for environmental diseases and problems (Copper; Hydrogen peroxide; Salt; Sodium thiosulphate; Ultraviolet irradiation); Treatments for nutritional diseases and digestive disorders (Epsom salts; Vitamin supplements); Treatments for pathogenic diseases (Treatments for bacterial diseases; Antibiotics; Other bactericides; Treatments for fungal infections); Treatments for parasites (Treatments for protozoan infections; Treatments for large parasites); Other types of treatment (Anaesthetics; Disinfectants; Thermal treatment).Appendices.A. The Ornamental Fish Industry: Sources of ornamental fish (Fish farms; Fish farming — the guppy; Captive breeding by aquarists; Wild-caught stocks; Collection of wild fish by aquarists); Conservation of wild fisheries (Release of ornamental fish into the wild); The live fish chain (Holding facilities; Packing for air freight; From importer to retailer; The side-effects of transportation); The retail trade (The price of fish); Current trends in the industry (Quantity rather than quality; 'Manmade' fish; New technologies); The influence of the hobbyist.B. Sources of Further Information: Books (General books on aquarium fish and/or aquarium keeping; Books dealing with specific groups of fish; Regional fish faunas; Fish anatomy and physiology; Fish nutrition; Fish health; Fish behaviour; Fish breeding; Fish coloration; Taxonomy; Fossil fish; Ornamental fish industry; Collecting and watching fish; Aquarium plant books; Biotope and ecology); Aquatic magazines and journals in the English language; Specialist aquarium book suppliers (USA; UK).C. Glossary (What did the authors mean by…?).