Tropical Legumes in Animal Nutrition

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Author: J P F D'Mello

ISBN-10: 0851989268

ISBN-13: 9780851989266

Category: Pets - General & Miscellaneous

Legumes have diverse uses and roles in agriculture and environmental protection. They are particularly important in the tropics for a number of reasons. Browse or tree species are renowned for their drought resistance and their role in the prevention of desertification. All legumes can fix atmospheric nitrogen, thus reducing the cost of fertilizers to farmers who may not be able to afford them. While tropical grasses are often of poor nutritive value, both browse and pasture legumes may have...

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Legumes have diverse uses and roles in agriculture and environmental protection. They are particularly important in the tropics for a number of reasons. Browse or tree species are renowned for their drought resistance and their role in the prevention of desertification. All legumes can fix atmospheric nitrogen, thus reducing the cost of fertilizers to farmers who may not be able to afford them. While tropical grasses are often of poor nutritive value, both browse and pasture legumes may have a higher protein content, palatability and digestibility. This volume focuses on the use of tropical browse, pasture and grain legumes in animal nutrition. It is written by leading authorities from the UK, Australia, India and Malaysia.

ContributorsPrefaceAbbreviationsGlossary of Common Names of Tropical Legumes1Diversity and Productivity of Tropical Legumes12Composition and Nutritional Attributes of Pasture Legumes233Composition and Nutritive Value of Browse Legumes494Composition of Legume Grains675Anti-nutritional Factors in Forage Legumes956Anti-nutritional Substances in Legume Seeds1357Intake of Tropical Legumes1738Tropical Legumes for Large Ruminants1919Tropical Legumes for Small Ruminants23110Leguminous Leaf Meals in Non-ruminant Nutrition24711Under-utilized Legume Grains in Non-ruminant Nutrition283Index331