Undead and Unreturnable (Betsy Taylor Series #4)

Mass Market Paperback
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Author: MaryJanice Davidson

ISBN-10: 0425210812

ISBN-13: 9780425210819

Category: Contemporary Romance

As if she needed yet another reason to shop, Queen of the Vampires Betsy Taylor is in the middle of planning the perfect wedding to drop-dead gorgeous vamp Eric Sinclair. And she’s not about to let little things like death and blood-drinking get in her way.\ But all is not bouquets and bridal showers—Betsy is plagued by ghosts who demand her help in rectifying their past mistakes, and a serial killer is on the loose. With his victims all being tall, blond women, Betsy fits the profile exactly…

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Though she's the vampire queen, Betsy Taylor is much more like a princess. In MaryJanice Davidson's novels, this high-maintenance monarch is finally coming to terms with her new status. They say Christmas is a time for friends and family. But with a half-sister who's the devil's daughter, an evil stepmother, a fiend living in her basement, assorted spirits and killers running amok, and a spring wedding to plan with the former bane of her existence, Eric Sinclair, Betsy is not sure she'll survive the holidays. Oh, right. She's already dead...

\ From Barnes & NobleThe Barnes & Noble Review\ MaryJanice Davidson gives vampire queen Betsy Taylor a Christmas to remember in this fourth funny outing in her bestselling Undead series. This time, Betsy's holiday cup runneth over. For starters, Betsy's mother has finally erected Betsy's tombstone in the local cemetery. A psycho nut job serial killer is targeting tall, thin blondes in the Twin Cities: women who look like Betsy. Her vampire mate, Eric Sinclair, is balking at wedding planning and at the modern notion of communication, while her hateful stepmother has just had a baby. Of course, it's time for the irrepressible Betsy to launch an advice column for vampires trying to cope and to team up with a freshly killed ghost to track down her murderer. But why does her sister, Laura, keep taking out that sword? As usual, Betsy floats triumphantly in a sea of chaos, helped and hindered by the usual madcap cast of vampires and humans. \ \ Here's a special quiz inspired by memorable moments in Undead and Unreturnable:\ \ The questions: \ \ What are Betsy's biggest concerns as she stares at her own gravestone?\ Which of Betsy's extended family members is really the devil's daughter?\ Has Betsy been powerfully attractive to all men all her life?\ In which book did Betsy make her debut?\ Why is Eric Sinclair resisting the notion of their wedding?\ What are the top three signs that Eric is really a metrosexual?\ How will Betsy be able to survive the holidays?\ \ The answers: \ \ She is baffled by the inscription on the tomb ("Our Sweetheart, Only Resting"), and she prefers calla lilies in her home, not wasted in a cemetery.\ Her stepsister, Laura.\ No, just since she died.\ She made her debut in Undead and Unwed.\ He claims they are already married by vampire law, so a wedding is redundant.\ He enjoys redecorating, advising Betsy's friends on fashion, and will only drink tea made from leaves, not bags.\ It's a trick question -- she's already dead!\ \ Ginger Curwen\ \