Unveiling Islam: An Insider's Look at Muslim Life and Beliefs

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Author: Ergun Mehmet Caner

ISBN-10: 0825424283

ISBN-13: 9780825424281

Category: Doctrine, Islamic

An updated and expanded edition of the bestselling and award-winning book\ Islam is often obscured by a veil of unfamiliar beliefs, customs, and practices. We watch intriguing images of Islamic nations on our televisions. We hear words like Muslim and Jihad defined in conflicting terms. But we still don't understand. Now, more than ever, we need to join the thousands of Christians who have become friends and compatriots in reaching Muslim people for Christ. So who can explain this culture...

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(Foreword by Richard Land) An insider's look at the reality of Islam by two former Sunni Muslims widely respected for their ability to clearly explain the Muslim mind. More than 150,000 copies in print!

Foreword 11Preface: A Man of Granite 13Acknowledgments 21Introduction: Chilling Words in a Frightening World 23Chapter 1 Security, Politics, and Jihad 29Chapter 2 Muhammad: The Militant Messenger 38Chapter 3 The Story of Islam: A Trail of Blood 65Chapter 4 The Qur'an: "Mother of Books" 81Chapter 5 Sunnah and Hadith: The Other Books 93Chapter 6 Allah: Names of Terror, Names of Glory 102Chapter 7 Fundamentals: The Five Pillars 120Chapter 8 Women: Love, Marriage, and Property 132Chapter 9 Salvation: Mathematical Righteousness 142Chapter 10 Holy Days: A Calendar of Islamic Community 152Chapter 11 Islamic Sects and Splinters 161Chapter 12 The Illusion of Religious Liberty: Terrorism from Within 172Chapter 13 The Bloodshed of Jihad 181Chapter 14 Clash of Cultures: Christianity Through the Eyes of the Typical Muslim 199Chapter 15 Jesus According to the Qur'an 211Chapter 16 Inside the Muslim: Earning a Hearing and Winning a Soul 222Chapter 17 That Camel Just Won't Hunt: Collateral Damage in the Culture Wars over Islam 234Chapter 18 Freedom and the Conscience of the Nation: A Not to the Gipper 245Appendix A Topical Index to the Qur'an 261Appendix B Free Will, Fatalism, and the Qur'an 266Appendix C Christianity and Islam: A Comparison of Beliefs 268Appendix D Glossary of Arabic Islamic Terms 272Index 276