Waterfowl Studies: Geese and Swans, Vol. 3

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Author: Bruce Burk

ISBN-10: 0887400272

ISBN-13: 9780887400278

Category: Birds - Aquatic

Geese and Swans covers our goose and swan species of North America, plus the Nene Goose of Hawaii, the Barnacle Goose of Europe, the beautiful little Red-Breasted Goose and Lesser White-Fronted Goose of Europe and Asia, and the mute swan which is native to Europe.

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Geese and Swans covers our goose and swan species of North America, plus the Nene Goose of Hawaii, the Barnacle Goose of Europe, the beautiful little Red-Breasted Goose and Lesser White-Fronted Goose of Europe and Asia, and the mute swan which is native to Europe.