Weber's Real Grilling

from $0.00

Author: Jamie Purviance

ISBN-10: 0376020466

ISBN-13: 9780376020468

Category: Barbecue cooking

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This combination grilling tutorial and cookbook sets a mouthwatering standard for the competition. Its chapters cover: the grill; the fire; rubs, marinades, and sauces; ten essentials for grilling; starters; red meat; pork; poultry; fish; veggies and sides; and desserts. Two hundred recipes and awesome grilling tips and tricks.

\ From Barnes & NobleThis combination grilling tutorial and cookbook sets a mouthwatering standard for the competition. Its chapters cover: the grill; the fire; rubs, marinades, and sauces; ten essentials for grilling; starters; red meat; pork; poultry; fish; veggies and sides; and desserts. Two hundred recipes and awesome grilling tips and tricks.\ \