Webster's New World Quotations Dictionary

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Author: Chambers Harrap Publishers, Ltd

ISBN-10: 076457308X

ISBN-13: 9780764573088

Category: General & Miscellaneous Quotations

THE COMPREHENSIVE COMPILATION OF QUOTATIONS THAT GOES BEYOND CITATIONS AND INCLUDES CONTEXTUAL INFORMATION\ Webster's New World® Dictionary of Quotations is a treasure-trove of memorable, witty, and relevant sayings and writings. With more than 20,000 entries from over 4,000 sources, plus concise information on the author and the historical context, it's more user-friendly and comprehensive than similar references.\ It's organized for quick reference, with:\ \ Entries that are arranged...

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Judging from the heft of this tome, which contains over 20,000 entries, it would appear everything that is interesting has already been said, much of it by Milton, although W.C. Fields did make a very interesting observation about why he did not drink water. Along with the profound Milton and the hilarious Fields are 4,000 other luminaries who do their best with a wide variety of topics ranging from the ridiculous (eight entries) to the sublime (ten). One can either browse from to Abbot to Zwerin, making use of the very precise biographical information as context for the quotations, or apply the very comprehensive and helpful index, which is both profound and hilarious in its own way. Annotation ©2005 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR