What Are They Saying about the Formation of Israel?

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Author: John J. McDermott

ISBN-10: 0809138387

ISBN-13: 9780809138388

Category: Historiography

The story of the people of Israel is related in the Pentateuch and the books of Joshua and Judges - if these are not historical accounts of the origin of Israel, what is the history? John J. McDermott presents a detailed survey of the archaeological and textual evidence used to decide the question of the origins of Israel and compares how that evidence has been interpreted by several different scholars.

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The story of the people of Israel is related in the Pentateuch and the books of Joshua and Judges - if these are not historical accounts of the origin of Israel, what is the history? John J. McDermott presents a detailed survey of the archaeological and textual evidence used to decide the question of the origins of Israel and compares how that evidence has been interpreted by several different scholars.

1The Issue12Textual and Archaeological Evidence113Three Classic Models364The Peoples of Canaan at the Beginning of Iron Age I465Migration and Infiltration556Symbiosis647The First Israelites Were Canaanites728Conclusions86Notes93Annotated Bibliography104