What High Schools Don't Tell You (and Other Parents Don't Want You to Know): Create a Long-Term Plan for Your 7th to 10th Grader for Getting Into the Top Colleges

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Author: Elizabeth Wissner-Gross

ISBN-10: 0452289521

ISBN-13: 9780452289529

Category: College Education

From the author of What Colleges Don’t Tell You, a plan to help parents of middle and early high school students prepare their kids for the best colleges In order to succeed in the fiercely competitive college admissions game, you need a game plan—and you have to start young. In this empowering guide, Elizabeth Wissner- Gross, a nationally sought-after college “packager,” helps parents of seventh to tenth graders create a long-term plan that, come senior year, will allow their kids to...

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From the author of What Colleges Don't Tell You, a plan to help parents of middle and early high school students prepare their kids for the best collegesIn order to succeed in the fiercely competitive college admissions game, you need a game plan—and you have to start young. In this empowering guide, Elizabeth Wissner- Gross, a nationally sought-after college “packager,” helps parents of seventh to tenth graders create a long-term plan that, come senior year, will allow their kids to virtually write their own ticket into their choice of schools.Parents should start by helping their kids identify their academic passions, then design a four-year strategy based on those interests. The book details hundreds of opportunities available to make kids stand out that most high school guidance counselors and teachers simply don't know about or don't think to share. This indispensable guide should be required reading for any parent whose child dreams of attending one of the country's top colleges. Tom Fischgrund Right on target... shows parents how to help their kids build the groundwork for that Ivy League admission. (Tom Fischgrund, author of SAT Perfect Score)

What High Schools Don't Tell You, But This Book Will     xiThe Secret to College Admissions Success? You Have to Have a Game PlanYou Can't Exceed Your Goals If You Don't Have Any: Helping Your Child to Identify His or Her Passions     3Strategic Summers: The Time to Gain the Advantage for College     21Designing the Four-Year Academic Plan: What Colleges Mean When They Say They Prefer Kids Who Challenge Themselves to the Fullest     47Coordinating the Game Plan with Your Child's School: Inviting the Faculty to Join Your Team     76The Amazing Array: Finding the Best Opportunities for Your KidNote to the Reader     85Mathematics: The Triad-Three Pedigrees for Math Students     87Science and Engineering, Part I: Raising a Science Olympian     111Science and Engineering, Part II: Launching Inventors and Explorers on the Research Track     125The Arts: Spotlighting the Creative Applicant     163The Humanities: The Scholar Every College Wants     197Journalism, Media, and Advocacy: Headlining the Front-Page Kid     215Government: Building a Political Leader from the Ground Up     233Business: Marketing the Future Mogul     246A Final Note     257Four-Year Summer Plans for Forty Different Interests     259Index     291

\ Tom FischgrundRight on target... shows parents how to help their kids build the groundwork for that Ivy League admission. (Tom Fischgrund, author of SAT Perfect Score)\ \