What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Children's Vaccinations

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Author: Stephanie Cave

ISBN-10: 0446555711

ISBN-13: 9780446555715

Category: Family & Child Health

This is an essential guide for parents about vaccinations. Dr. Stephanie Cave explains their pros and cons and the book provides information to help parents make a knowledgeable, responsible choice about vaccinating their children.

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This is an essential guide for parents about vaccinations. Dr. Stephanie Cave explains their pros and cons and the book provides information to help parents make a knowledgeable, responsible choice about vaccinating their children.

Introduction xiiiPart I Introducing VaccinesChapter 1 The Story of Vaccines 3Chapter 2 How Safe Are Vaccines? 19Chapter 3 Mercury in Vaccines: Shots of Danger? 40Chapter 4 The Autism Debate 62Chapter 5 When the Body Attacks Itself: Autoimmune Disorders 90Part II The VaccinesChapter 6 Hepatitis B 121Chapter 7 DTP/DTaP: Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis 145Chapter 8 Hib: Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Vaccine 165Chapter 9 Polio 175Chapter 10 MMR: Measles, Mumps, Rubella 193Chapter 11 Varicella (Chicken Pox) 214Chapter 12 Hepatitis A 229Chapter 13 Pneumococcal Disease 234Chapter 14 Meningococcal Disease 241Chapter 15 Influenza 246Chapter 16 Rotavirus 254Chapter 17 Human Papilloma Virus 257Chapter 18 Vaccines for World Travelers 262Chapter 19 Vaccines of the Future: Sooner than You Think? 266Part III Tools for ParentsChapter 20 Parents, the Law, and Insurance Companies 279Chapter 21 What You Can Do to Ensure Your Child's Safety 298Chapter 22 The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System 313Appendix Organizations and Web Sites 321Glossary 331Suggested Reading List 337Index 339

\ From Barnes & NobleThis is a balanced examination of both the benefits and the risks of vaccinating your child. Since this topic is currently surrounded by such a flurry of controversy and inaccurate information, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations is an important book for any parent, especially those of school-age children.\ \