Why Marriage Matters: Reasons to Believe Marriage in a Postmodern Society

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Author: Glenn T Stanton

ISBN-10: 1576830187

ISBN-13: 9781576830185

Category: Same - sex marriage

Drawing from 100 years of social science research, Why Marriage Matters examines the state of marriage in America today and gives readers solid reasons to believe in marriage in a postmodern culture. Indexed for easy reference.

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SHE COOKS, CLEANS, AND PAYS HIM RENT, BUT SHE’S NOT HIS WIFE. HE’S HER FATHER, BUT THEY’VE NEVER MET. THEY SAY THEY LOVE EACH OTHER, BUT HAVE THE OPTION TO LEAVE IF THINGS GET ROUGH. Marriage is in trouble. Labeled old-fashioned, out-dated, and irrelevant, marriage is being abandoned for divorce, living together, single parenting, and sexual freedom. Lasting marriages, which used to be esteemed as the building block of society, are disappearing at an alarming rate. Drawing from one hundred years of social science research, Why Marriage Matters examines the state of marriage in America today and gives readers solid reasons to believe in marriage in a postmodern culture. If you want to know more about the benefits of marriage for society or understand why so many marriages are falling apart, Why Marriage Matters provides a strong, reasoned case for defending marriage in a society characterized by a lack of commitment.

Chapter 1: A Time for Every Purpose-Rediscovering the Need for a Sexual Ethic Chapter 2: Troubled and Costly-The Hidden Consequences of Cohabitation Chapter 3: Only a Piece of Paper? The Benefits of Marriage for Adults Chapter 4: A Mom and a Dad-What Every Child Needs Chapter 5: Shattering the Myth-The Broken Promises of Divorce and Remarriage Epilogue: The Future of Marriage