Why Marriage?: The History Shaping Today's Debate over Gay Equality

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Author: George Chauncey

ISBN-10: 0465009581

ISBN-13: 9780465009589

Category: Same - sex marriage

Angry debate over gay marriage has divided the nation as no other issue since the Vietnam War. Why has marriage suddenly emerged as the most explosive issue in the gay struggle for equality? At times it seems to have come out of nowhere-but in fact it has a history. George Chauncey offers an electrifying analysis of the history of the shifting attitudes of heterosexual Americans toward gay people, from the dramatic growth in acceptance to the many campaigns against gay rights that form the...

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Why Marriage? is a tour de force of historical analysis and explanation, essential for anyone eager to understand current political arguments. Los Angeles Times Book Review Los Angeles Times Book Review a tour de force of historical analysis and explanation, essential for anyone eager to understand current political arguments.

Introduction : why marriage?11The legacy of antigay discrimination52Gay rights, civil rights233How marriage changed594Why marriage became a goal875The present as history137