Women in Developing Countries: Assessing Strategies for Empowerment

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Author: Rekha Datta

ISBN-10: 1588260399

ISBN-13: 9781588260390

Category: General & Miscellaneous

Evidence of discrimination against women in development programs has inspired policy reforms. Contributors in political science address questions surrounding the success of these reforms and whether they have had the desired effect on gender relations and women's control of resources traditionally defined by patriarchal ideology. They look at local, national, and international empowerment efforts in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. Datta teaches political science at Monmouth...

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Acknowledgments1Introduction: Empowerment and Disempowerment12Women and the United Nations: Norms, Reproductive Health and Rights, and Population Policy113The Empowerment of Women Through International Law314State Ideology and Women in Rural China475The State, Development, and Empowerment in India756Structural Adjustment and the Empowerment (or Disempowerment) of Women in Niger and Senegal937Structural Adjustment Policies in Mexico and Costa Rica1138Making Waves: Women and Development in the Caribbean1299The Empowerment of Palestinian Women in the West Bank and Gaza Strip14510Conclusion: Assessing Women and Empowerment163Glossary167UN Conventions and Declarations of Particular Importance to Women's Rights171Bibliography173The Contributors179Index181About the Book189