Worlds of Matt Busch

from $0.00

Author: Matt Busch

ISBN-10: 1615581588

ISBN-13: 9781615581580

Category: Art by Subjects

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Illustrator Matt Busch is world-renowned for his artwork for movies, television, comic book covers, and best-selling "how-to" books. Hermes Press' newest all color art book features Busch's sci-fi images, posters and advertising art from the entire Star Wars universe, the Star Trek univese, as well as art from classic Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG-1, First Wave, Robocop, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Crow, 24 and Lost, to name but a few! This all-new "art exhibition in a book" features book covers, poster art, advertising artwork, comic book covers, and more! Also on display are Busch's good girls, and fantasy art.