Y: The Last Man, Volume 9: Motherland

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Author: Massimo Carnevale

ISBN-10: 1401213510

ISBN-13: 9781401213510

Category: DC Comics

WINNER OF THREE EISNER AWARDS\ Featured in THE NEW YORK TIMES and on NPR, Y: THE LAST MAN is the gripping saga of Yorick Brown, an unemployed and unmotivated slacker who discovers he is the only male left in the world after a plague of unknown origin instantly kills every mammal with a Y chromosome. Accompanied by his mischievous monkey, Ampersand, and the mysterious Agent 355, Yorick embarks on a transcontinental journey to find his long-lost girlfriend and discover why he is the last man on...

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\ School Library JournalGr 10 Up This series is based on the premise that a mysterious plague has wiped out all of humanity save for one man, the aggressively average Yorick Brown, and his pet monkey, Ampersand. Where some writers could have easily capitalized on the stereotypes of such an exhausted male fantasy, Vaughan creates complex situations; imaginative scenarios; and multidimensional, realistic, and likable characters. In Motherland , which collects single volumes 49-54, he uncovers a barrage of nail-biting secrets, such as the possible source of the original plague, the origins of vicious ninja Toyota, and the loyalties of Rose the Australian spy/lover of Dr. Mann. Further, readers find that Yorick is not in fact the world's last man and that, despite warring armies of Amazons, violent preteen gangs, and the proliferation of male-impersonating prostitutes, human relationships and a desire to create prevail. As one character prophetically claims, "Artists are supposed to hold up a mirror to society, but ours could be a...f-ed up funhouse mirror!" That is exactly what Vaughan has done here and with shimmering results.-Shannon Peterson, Kitsap Regional Library, WA\ \ \