Yes, We Can! A Salute to Children from President Obama's Victory Speech

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Author: Barack Obama

ISBN-10: 0545163668

ISBN-13: 9780545163668

Category: Executive Branch

A picture book salute to chidren featuring excerpts from President Obama's Victory Speech.\ Beautiful photographs of children throughout the country accompany pictures of President Obama's monumental campaign and acceptance speech.

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Beautiful photographs of children throughout the country accompany pictures of President Obama's monumental campaign and acceptance speech. Yes, We Can! A Salute to Children from President Obama's Victory Speech Change has come to America. The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We as a people will get there. I will be honest with you. I will listen to you. I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation. Block by block, brick by brick. We are not enemies, but friends. I need your help. It cannot happen without you. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. Yes, we can. This is our moment. This is our time.... (Please note: "We are not enemies, but friends." is a quote from President Lincoln and will be cited.) Children's Literature The power of this photo essay is that President Obama's words from his November 5, 2008, speech in Grant Park, Chicago, IL, are coupled with color photographs of the president interacting primarily with young people. Even beginning readers will be able to read the carefully selected words of his victory speech with minimal assistance. While the book would give a reader a sense of the core values of the first African-American president of the United States, the real value of the book is in reader interpretation of the photos matched with words. In the classroom, for example, a teacher can probe how the reader interprets the picture of a pensive Obama striding across a road alone, with the text "The road ahead will be long" or, with the First Lady in a cluster of children, "I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation." From "Change has come to America" on the first page to the last page's "This is our time," the text is not just an ode to Obama's presidency but to young people of all ages and all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Reviewer: Mary Bowman-Kruhm, Ed.D.

\ Children's Literature\ - Mary Bowman-Kruhm Ed.D.\ The power of this photo essay is that President Obama's words from his November 5, 2008, speech in Grant Park, Chicago, IL, are coupled with color photographs of the president interacting primarily with young people. Even beginning readers will be able to read the carefully selected words of his victory speech with minimal assistance. While the book would give a reader a sense of the core values of the first African-American president of the United States, the real value of the book is in reader interpretation of the photos matched with words. In the classroom, for example, a teacher can probe how the reader interprets the picture of a pensive Obama striding across a road alone, with the text "The road ahead will be long" or, with the First Lady in a cluster of children, "I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation." From "Change has come to America" on the first page to the last page's "This is our time," the text is not just an ode to Obama's presidency but to young people of all ages and all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Reviewer: Mary Bowman-Kruhm, Ed.D.\ \