You Can't Say Boobs on Sunday: The Second Collection of the Syndicated Cartoon Stone Soup, Vol. 2

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Author: Jan G. Eliot

ISBN-10: 0967410207

ISBN-13: 9780967410203

Category: Subjects & Themes - Cartoons & Comic Strips

One of the first questions that syndicated cartoonists are asked, besides "Where do you get your ideas?" is "Does anyone ever try to censor you?" The humor of Stone Soup rarely tilts toward something that would require censorship, but the day did come when Jan's syndicate editor called to tell her that one of her Sunday strips couldn't be published. Why? Because the gag line included the word "boobs"-which, according to the editor, you cannot say in the Sunday funnies. You can say boobs on...

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You Can't Say Boobs on Sunday is the second collection of the internationally syndicated cartoon Stone Soup, a funny, irreverent, sympathetic comic strip read by 6 million people every day. This 192 page collection is the second in the series, and covers about 2 years of Eliot's work. Telling the story of a non-traditional household - two single moms who are also sisters, their collective children, their mother, and their yappy little dog - the humor in You Can't Say Boobs on Sunday is of the all too real, "you must be a fly on my wall!" variety. The cast of characters includes Val, a 30-something professional who supports her two daughters, Holly 13, and Alix, 9; her under-employed sister Joan; Joan's two-year-old Max; as well as Val and Joan's fairly opinionated mother, who lives upstairs. Wally, the ultimate nice-guy-next-door who has a crush on Joan, rounds out the cast. This collection also contains biographical material on both Eliot and her characters.