A First Look at Communication Theory

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Author: Em Griffin

ISBN-10: 0073385026

ISBN-13: 9780073385020

Category: Communications - General & Miscellaneous

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The most widely-used textbook for the communication theory course, A First Look at Communication Theory analyzes the major communication theories at a level that is appropriate for both lower- and upper-level courses. The 32 theories represented in the text reflect a mix of foundational and recent scholarship and strike a balance of scientific and interpretive approaches.

Division One: Overview 1. Launching Your Study of Communication Theory2. Talk About Theory 3. Weighing the Words 4. Mapping the Territory (Seven Traditions in the Field of Communication Theory)Division Two: Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Messages5. Symbolic Interactionism of George Herbert Mead6. Coordinated Management of Meaning (CMM) of W. Barnett Pearce & Vernon Cronen7. Expectancy Violations Theory of Judee Burgoon8. Constructivism of Jesse DeliaRelationship Development9. Social Penetration Theory of Irwin Altman & Dalmas Taylor10. Uncertainty Reduction Theory of Charles Berger11. Social Information Processing Theory of Joseph WaltherRelationship Maintenance12. Relational Dialectics of Leslie Baxter & Barbara Montgomery13. The Interactional View of Paul Watzlawick Influence14. Social Judgment Theory of Muzafer Sherif15. Elaboration Likelihood Model Richard Petty & John Cacioppo16. Cognitive Dissonance Theory of Leon FestingerDivision Three: Group and Public Communication Group Decision Making17. Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making of Randy Hirokawa & Dennis Gouran18. Adaptive Structuration Theory of Marshall Scott PooleOrganizational Communication19. Cultural Approach to Organizations of Clifford Geertz & Michael Pacanowsky20. Critical Theory of Communication Approach to Organizations of Stan DeetzPublic Rhetoric21. The Rhetoric of Aristotle22. Dramatism of Kenneth Burke23. Narrative Paradigm of Walter FisherEthical ReflectionsDivision Four: Mass Communication Media and Culture24. Media Ecology of Marshall McLuhan25. Semiotics of Roland Barthes26. Cultural Studies of Stuart Hall Media Effects27. Cultivation Theory of George Gerbner28. Agenda-Setting Theory of Maxwell McCombs & Donald Shaw29. Spiral of Silence of Elisabeth Noelle-NeumannDivision Five: Cultural Context Intercultural Communication30. Communication Accommodation Theory of Howard Giles31. Face-Negotiation Theory of Stella Ting-Toomey32. Speech Codes Theory of Gerry PhilipsenGender and Communication33. Genderlect Styles of Deborah Tannen34. Standpoint Theory of Sandra Harding & Julia Wood35. Muted Group Theory of Cheris KramaraeDivision Six: Integration Communication Theory36. Common Threads in Communication TheoriesAppendix A. Abstracts of Theories Appendix B. Feature Films that Illustrate Communication TheoryAppendix C. National Communication Association Credo for Ethical Communication EndnotesCredits and AcknowledgementsIndex