African Gender Studies

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Author: Oyeronke Oyewumi

ISBN-10: 1403962820

ISBN-13: 9781403962829

Category: African Studies

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This is the first comprehensive reader that brings African experiences to bear on the ongoing global discussions of women, gender, and society. Bringing together the essential writing on this topic from the last 25 years, these essays discuss gender in Africa from a multi-disciplinary perspective. With a theoretical and conceptual focus, African Gender Studies will inform debate in African Studies, Women's Studies, History, Sociology and Anthropology.

1Visualizing the body : Western theories and African subjects32Spirituality, gender, and power in Asante history233Bringing African women into the classroom : rethinking pedagogy and epistemology514Decolonizing feminism675Theorizing matriarchy in Africa : kinship ideologies and systems in Africa and Europe836(Re)constituting the cosmology and sociocultural institutions of Oyo - Yoruba997Ko Sohun ti Mbe ti o Nitan (nothing is that lacks a [hi]story) : on Oyeronke Oyewumi's The invention of women1218Women's roles and existential identities1279Revisiting "woman-woman marriage" : notes on Gikuyu women14510Making history, creating gender : some methodological and interpretive questions in the writing of Oyo oral traditions16911Gender biases in African historiography20712Senegalese women in politics : a portrait of two female leaders, Arame Diene and Thioumbe Samb, 1945-199623313Miscegenation as metonymy : sexuality and power in the colonial novel24514Gender, feminist theory, and post-colonial (women's) writing25915The hidden history of women in Ghanaian print culture27916Definitions of women and development : an African perspective29917An investigative framework for gender research in Africa in the new millennium31318The Yum : an indigenous model for sustainable development33319In my father's house : epilogue34120Questions of identity and inheritance : a critical review of Kwame Anthony Appiah's In my father's house355