Algebra Success in 20 Minutes a Day, 3rd Edition

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Author: LLC LearningExpress

ISBN-10: 1576856070

ISBN-13: 9781576856079

Category: Teaching - Mathematics

The third edition of this proven study aid is completely revised with updated lessons and exercises that give students and workers alike the algebra skills they need to succeed. Whether you're new to algebra or just looking for a refresher, Algebra Success in 20 Minutes a Day offers a 20-step lesson plan that provides quick and thorough instruction in practical, critical skills. Stripped of unnecessary math jargon but bursting with algebra essentials, Algebra Success in 20 Minutes a Day: ●...

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This is a third edition of one of our best-selling titles. A wonderful introduction or refresher course in basic Algebra. This offers 20 simple lessons that promote quick but thorough learning of practical, essential skills. There is an empahasis on the applicablity of algebra skills to real-world and real-work problems. Also includes a FREE online link to more practice exercises that are instantly scored.