A Power Guide

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Author: Fredrica Cere Kussin

ISBN-10: 1552123804

ISBN-13: 9781552123805

Category: Business Life & Skills is an how-to guide that will educate individuals on image, manners, business etiquette and international protocol for all continents. \ \ The book is written from an insider's point of view. It shows as much as it tells, by keeping the language crisp, direct and plain. Lists of do and dont follow each subject -- from the power lunch to asking for a raise to delivering a speech. Learn to negotiate in China and what a woman should expect when doing business in the Middle East....

Search in google: - A Power Guide is a book for business people, employment seekers, business travellers and tourists that provides the latest on business and personal etiquette and protocol on every continent. The topics covered are central to developing confidence, conducting business and travelling locally and internationally. Here is a list of just a few of those topics: basic manners: acceptable forms of greeting and addressing individuals, introducing people, addressing correspondence, table manners the workplace: the do's and don'ts of resume preparation, preparing yourself for an interview (appearance and personality), how to ask for a raise, making meetings work for you, conducting negotiations, networking, doing business abroad, executive etiquette your public image: body language, public speaking, presenting and accepting an award, the art of toasting, preparing for radio and television interviews travel: travel tips, airline/airport tips, packing for business travel, how to get the best hotel rates, global gratuities, negotiating abroad general etiquette: Africa, Asia, Australia & New Zealand, Europe, Middle East & Gulf States, Israel, North America, and Latin America This second edition also includes current information on women's status across the world, an updated section on Internet and e-mail etiquette, an extensive chapter on business travel and, a new chapter on Terrorism (awareness and safety).