Baby Rattlesnake

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Author: Te Ata

ISBN-10: 0892392169

ISBN-13: 9780892392162

Category: Folklore -> North America -> Native Americans -> Children's fiction

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Baby Rattlesnake cries and cries for a rattle just like his big brother and sister have, but his parents tell him he’s still too young. His crying keeps the Rattlesnake People up all night, so finally his parents give in. Thrilled with his new power, he mischievously uses his rattle to scare little animals. He grows bolder and bolder, till one day he scares the wrong creature. Adapted from a Chickasaw tale, this English-only version of this story-time favorite provides a witty lesson in the value of self-control that all young readers can relate to. Mira Reisberg’s appealing illustrations vividly depict the story’s Southwestern setting.Publishers WeeklyIn this winning retelling of a Native American tale, poor Baby Rattlesnake cries continuously because he doesn't have a rattle like his older brother and sister. The (rattlesnake) elders of the village finally decide to give in to the youngster, partially to silence his squalling. As predicted, the baby cannot handle the responsibility; when he loses his rattle, he comes crying home to his parents who ``gave him big rattlesnake hugs.'' Reisberg's vivid, fanciful illustrations perfectly depict the Southwestern setting; her many comical touches include a derby-sporting father rattlesnake and a heavily made-up mother. The paintings' sparkling borders make splendid use of regional designs and fauna. Even very small children will understand--and profit from--this deceptively simple story's valuable lesson. Ages 4-10. (Jan.)