Beginning PivotTables in Excel 2007: From Novice to Professional

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Author: Debra Dalgleish

ISBN-10: 1590598903

ISBN-13: 9781590598900

Category: Microsoft Applications

Beginning PivotTables in Excel 2007 explains what PivotTables are, how you can benefit from using them, how to create them and modify them, and how to use their enhanced features. Using a Pivot Table in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 is a quick and exciting way to slice and dice a large amount of data.\ \ Carefully explains the benefits of using Pivot Tables for fast data analysis\ Provides a step-by-step approach to those new to Pivot Tables\ Offers tips and tricks that cannot be found...

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This book is for experienced Excel users (there are 65 million of them) who want to learn how to use Excel 2007 Pivot Tables for fast data analysis. The author is an internationally recognized Excel authority. Her web site on Excel,, has over 175,000 visitors a month.The book focuses on practical tips and techniques that will help any Excel user quickly analyze large amounts of data. The chapters are problem-focused, each expanding on skills learned in earlier sections.