British Jig-Saw Puzzles of the 20th Century

from $0.00

Author: Tom R. Tyler

ISBN-10: 0903685566

ISBN-13: 9780903685566

Category: Collectible Toys - General & Miscellaneous

Chronicles many significant and exciting developments in jigsaw puzzle production during the 20th century.

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Chronicles many significant and exciting developments in jigsaw puzzle production during the 20th century.

Foreword6Introduction7Ch. 1Background - The Period up to 19009Ch. 2A Relevant Social History of the Twentieth Century13Ch. 3Technical Developments in the Twentieth Century16Ch. 4Commercial Pressures and Influence, Rarity and Prices23Ch. 5Histories of Representative Twentieth-Century Jigsaw Puzzle Manufacturers26Ch. 6The Amateur Jigsaw Puzzle Maker37Ch. 7Jigsaw Libraries, Clubs and Societies39Ch. 8British Jigsaw Puzzles in the Year 200042Colour Plates45Ch. 9Twentieth-Century British Jigsaw Puzzle Manufacturers125Bibliography131Index131