Egypt's Incomplete Revolution: Lutfi Al-Khuli and Nasser's Socialism in the 1960's

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Author: Rami Ginat

ISBN-10: 0714647381

ISBN-13: 9780714647388

Category: North African History

This study sheds new light on Egypt's socialist experience in the 1960s. It charts the evolution of ideology in Nasser's regime from the inarticulate and inconsistent experiments of the early 1950s to the detailed and systematic formulations of the 1960s. It appraises the accommodation between the official declarations and their practical implementation. The book explores the interrelationship between ideology and statecraft and examines the concrete role that Arab socialism played in the...

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The importance of Lutfi al-Khuli and the intellectual circle associated with the Nasserist regime is examined here. Rami Ginat looks at al-Khuli's contribution to the short-lived yet formidable success of Arab socialism.

PrefaceIntroduction: Revolution in Search of a Theory1Pt. 1The Shift to Socialism71The Nasserist Route to Socialism92Between East and West: the Geopolitical Context of Nasser's Socialism35Pt. 2State and Society in Lutfi Al-Khuli's Thought: Idea and Practice473Biographical Sketch of Lutfi al-Khuli494Socio-Historical Development of the Socialist State695Socialism, Islam and Arab Unity786International Issues Concerning State and Society907Intellectuals and Society97Pt. 3Lutfi Al-Khuli's View of Egypt's Socialist Experience1178The Road to Socialism according to Lutfi al-Khuli1199The Shift towards Socialism in Lutfi al-Khuli's Writings13210Socialism in Practice14411Criticism of Methods for Implementing Socialism in Egypt16112A Retrospective Analysis of Egypt's Socialist Experience by Lutfi al-Khuli186Conclusion195List of sources202Index217