Exterior Siding, Trim, and Finishes

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Author: Fine Homebuilding

ISBN-10: 1561586528

ISBN-13: 9781561586523

Category: Construction & Building Trades - Methods & Materials

A home's appeal depends a great deal on its exterior paint or stain, brick-and stonework, siding, trims, and other details—and it's not just the type of finish that's important, it's also how well the job was done. This first-ever compilation by "Fine Homebuilding on the popular subject provides builders with ideas for choosing the correct finishes for home exteriors, plus solid how-to information.

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A home's appeal depends a great deal on its exterior paint or stain, brick-and stonework, siding, trims, and other details—and it's not just the type of finish that's important, it's also how well the job was done. This first-ever compilation by "Fine Homebuilding on the popular subject provides builders with ideas for choosing the correct finishes for home exteriors, plus solid how-to information.