Fish Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

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Author: Noga

ISBN-10: 0813806976

ISBN-13: 9780813806976

Category: Small Animal Medicine

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There are many organisms and clinical manifestations of fish disease that the practitioner does not encounter in other areas of veterinary practice. Fortunately, the identification of these organisms and manifestations is easy once the practitioner is shown how, where, and what to look for. This, in essence, forms the philosophical basis for the design of this book—to provide the simplest and most straightforward method for diagnosing fish diseases. Distinctive features that set it apart from other publications include: a unique format that greatly facilitates the diagnosis; a uniform, concise, summary of hosts, disease prevalence, method of diagnosis, and method of treatment; the best and most demonstrable, high-quality illustrations of any fish disease book; the most comprehensive guide to diagnostic histopathology of fish disease; and the most user-friendly sections available on prophylaxis and treatment of diseases Booknews Explains how to manage common fish diseases, mainly in cultured fish, with some information applying to wild populations. Unique features of this nontraditional text are a systems-based rather than a taxonomic approach used to describe fish diseases, and detailed descriptions of pathogens. Part I details methods of diagnosis, and Part II covers problems as they are encountered in the clinical workup. Part III details how fish are treated. Includes color and b&w photos at macro and micro levels. Noga is professor of aquatic medicine at North Carolina State University's College of Veterinary Medicine. Originally published in 1996 by Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Part I: Methods for Diagnosing Fish Diseases; Major Cultured Species; Types of Culture Systems; Equipping a Fish Disease Diagnostic Facility; The Clinical Work-Up; Postmortem Techniques; Guidelines for Interpreting Clinical Findings; How to Use the Problem List; Clinical Decision Making: Have the Major Problems Been Identified?; Prioritizing Problems; Treatment Plans; When to Refer Cases; Sample Problem Data Sheet; Part II: Problem Lists; 93 problems listed in the order in which they are encountered in the physical work up, as described in Part I;.Part III: Methods for Treating Fish Diseases; Treatment Guidelines; Pharmacopoeia; Literature cited; Appendices: Fish disease diagnosis form; Suppliers; Dangerous aquatic animals; Scientific names of fish mentioned in the text; Glossary.