Grammar Workbook for the SAT, ACT, and More

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Author: George Ehrenhaft

ISBN-10: 0764144898

ISBN-13: 9780764144899

Category: English Grammar

A solid command of English grammar is a prerequisite for success when students take the SAT, ACT, and other college entrance tests. This workbook presents a detailed grammar review with dozens of practice quizzes and exercises to sharpen students' skills. It begins with an explanation of grammatical terms and their functions. It then describes the 24 most common mistakes made by students and shows how to avoid them. Prominent among them are lack of agreement between subject and verb, misuse...

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(back cover) As you prepare to take that all-important college entrance exam, keep in mind that your command of English grammar is essential for success. This workbook gives you a detailed grammar review along with dozens of practice quizzes and exercises to sharpen your skills. You'll also find plenty of sample questions exactly like those you'll encounter on both the SAT and ACT. They come with fully explained answers. A final chapter gives you the advice and instruction you'll need for writing a high-scoring SAT or ACT essay.