In the Words of Great Business Leaders

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Author: Julie M. Fenster

ISBN-10: 0471348554

ISBN-13: 9780471348559

Category: Business Life & Skills

Gems of wisdom from legendary business leaders "I believe it is a religious duty to get all the money you can, fairly and honestly; to keep all you can; and to give away all you can." -John D. Rockefeller "A computer is not-and never will be-a substitute for getting out in your stores and learning what's going on. In other words, a computer can tell you down to the dime what you've sold. But it can never tell you how much you could have sold." -Sam Walton "You cannot spend a large income...

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"A powerful message from nineteen of the greatest leaders this country has known." -John W. Boyle Chairman, United Artists Brilliant, practical, obsessed with the day-to-day details of running a company-all are characteristics of the greatest business leaders of our time. This book reveals remarkable insights into these men and women, teaching timeless lessons about business, money, and human nature. In the Words of Great Business Leaders presents the accumulated experience of nineteen business legends, in their own words. Each leader provides inspiring and motivating wisdom that runs the gamut from investing to setting priorities to making the most of opportunity. This book also features thorough background information on each leader, telling the stories of their struggles to succeed, their triumphs, and how their various experiences-both good and bad-formed their business philosophies. From the consummate salesmen . . like William Wrigley Jr., who started a soap business in the late 1800s with only $32 to his name and by 1922 was selling ten billion sticks of gum per year. To hustling hard workers . . like Edwin Land, president of Polaroid-which may have been the first start-up company in history to get $750,000 out of Wall Street on a promise of inventing things for which there was no market. To self-made successes . . like John D. Rockefeller, who never raised his voice or made cutting remarks, but left no doubts about his power and became one of the richest men in the country. And, of course, the bosses . . like Harvey Firestone, whose early days as a traveling salesman taught him valuable lessons that would serve him well as he created the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company-which, thanks to Firestone, would weather the Great Depression without even having to consider reducing its dividend. In the Words of Great Business Leaders delivers enlightening, surprising, and motivating information for business readers of all industries.

TALK ABOUT CONVINCING: SALESMEN.Thomas J. Watson Sr.: International Business Machines Corp.William Wrigley Jr.: William Wrigley Jr. Co.Andrew Carnegie: Carnegie Steel.NO STONE LEFT UNTURNED: HUSTLING HARD WORKERS.Sam Walton: Wal-Mart.Mary Pickford: United Artists.Edwin Land: Polaroid Corp.William S. Paley: Columbia Broadcasting System.THE THOUGHTS THAT COUNT: SELF-MADE SUCCESSES.John D. Rockefeller: Standard Oil Co.Henry Ford II: Ford Motor Co.Madame C.J. Walker: Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Co.A.P. Giannini: Bank of America, Transamerica.THE BUCK STOPS: BOSSES.Harvey Firestone: Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.J. Paul Getty: Getty Oil.Alfred P. Sloan Jr.: General Motors.David Packard: Hewlett-Packard.NO MATTER WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING: MAVERICKS.Herb Kelleher: Southwest Airlines.Clarence Birdseye: Birdseye Foods.Margaret Rudkin: Pepperidge Farm.Ted Turner: Turner Broadcasting System.Sources.Acknowledgments.Index.