Maintaining the Momentum of Beijung: The Contribution of African Gender NGOs

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Author: Nana A. Apt

ISBN-10: 1859724833

ISBN-13: 9781859724835

Category: African Studies

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List of TablesAcknowledgementsForeword1Voices and Voicing Gender Goals for Africa: Maintaining the Momentum of Beijing12The Gender Goals of African Women: Recommendations from the Voices from African Women Network143Impact and Opportunities: The Benefits of Beijing234Getting the Beijing Message into the Field335Gender Goals of the Immediate Past366An Overview of Ghanaian Gender Activity387Enterprising Women: The Business of Building Women's Economic Networks - the Ghanaian Association of Women Entrepreneurs Contribution558Leading the Legal Battle: Gender Rights in Ghana649Keeping Connected and Moving Forward: The Importance of New Technology7110The Political Empowerment of Women: Constraints to their Participation and Strategies to Increase it7911Grassroots Women's Initiatives to Overcome Poverty: A Report of Eastern Africa Networking Experience8712Problems Encountered in Promoting Women's Access to Microfinance in Ghana and West Africa14313Filling the Policy Gaps in Women's Economic Empowerment in Africa15414Urban and Community Development: Text to Accompany a Video on Women's Networking in Urban Cameroon16515Agricultural Opportunities and Constraints in Rural Nigeria: A Gender Perspective17016Education and the Girl Child: Evidence from Ghana18617Gender and Access to Education19318On-line Development Resources: Accessing Donors' Gender Capabilities20719New Technology, New Horizons: The Prospect of More Client-focused Development Banking218Index231

\ BooknewsNineteen articles present African women's perspectives on the role of women in that continent's development, and call for the development by donors and policy-makers of explicit gender strategies and protocols for the inclusion of women in all aspects of development. Includes diverse voices, with distinct perspectives and priorities. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.\ \