Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking with Realistic Applications

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Author: Rudolf Eigenmann

ISBN-10: 0262050668

ISBN-13: 9780262050661

Category: Quality Control

Performance evaluation and benchmarking are of concern to all computer-related disciplines. A benchmark is a standard program or set of programs that can be run on different computers to give an accurate measure of their performance. This book covers a variety of aspects of computer performance evaluation, with a focus on Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation (SPEC)benchmarks. SPEC is a nonprofit organization whose members represent industry, academia, and other organizations. The book...

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The book discusses rationales for creating and updating benchmarks, the use of benchmarks in academic research, benchmarking methodologies, the relation of SPEC benchmarks to other benchmarking activities, shortcomings of current benchmarks, and the need for further benchmarking efforts.

Preface1Motivation and Overview1Realistic Benchmarks in Industry and Academia: Book Overview and Related Work2Performance Evaluation with Real Applications82Overview of SPEC Benchmarks19SPEC OSG Benchmarks: History, Use and Current Issues20SPEC HPG Benchmarks: Performance Evaluation with Large-Scale Science and Engineering Applications403Use of SPEC Benchmarks in Research49How to Quantify Loop Nest Locality50The Allocation Behavior of the SPECjvm98 Java Benchmarks77A Methodology for Scientific Benchmarking with Large-Scale Applications1094Tools and Methodologies for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking128A Framework for Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Parallel Applications129Performance Coupling: Case Studies for Measuring the Interactions of Kernels in Modern Applications1615Related Benchmarking Efforts179Conventional Benchmarks as a Sample of the Performance Spectrum180A National Trace Collection and Distribution Resource2036Needs for new Benchmarks219Need for Trace Benchmarks220Universal Benchmark Suites - A Quantitative Approach to Benchmark Design257Biographical Sketches288