Pots in the Garden: Expert Design & Planting Techniques

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Author: Ray Rogers

ISBN-10: 0881928348

ISBN-13: 9780881928341

Category: Container, Small Space, & Urban Gardening

Container gardening has grown up! No longer a technique just for apartment dwellers or novice gardeners, the use of ornamental containers on decks, patios, terraces, and in the garden itself can save time, space, and money. More importantly, it offers experienced home gardeners unique creative challenges, site flexibility, and experimental fun. In fact, it's no exaggeration to say that attractive, well-planted containers are an essential component of today's gardens. \ Pots in the Garden:...

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No longer a technique just for apartment dwellers or novice gardeners, the use of ornamental containers on decks, patios, terraces, and in the garden itself can save time, space, and money. Pots in the Garden simply reflects one long-time gardener's accumulated thoughts on and experiences with container gardening and the basic principles behind good garden design. The Sarnia (Ontario) Observer "Pots in the Garden … blossoms with inspiring container creations for beginners and longtime gardeners alike."

\ Charlotte Magazine"Since most of us probably don’t have exterior decorators to explain confusing matters like the role of contrast and vantage points around the grounds, the authors clear the air in layman’s terms."\ \ \ \ \ \ Booklist"Rogers points out that many people have a limited space in which to plant a garden and don't have a lot of time to pursue their hobby. He writes that one of the most space-saving and time-efficient ways to enjoy gardening is to include container plantings...Rogers discusses basic design elements, including color, line, form and mass, spece, and texture. Included are 240 splendid photgraphs." \ —George Cohen, Booklist\ \ \ The New York Times"...this spring I have shifted my thoughts to Design, with a capital D, because of...Pots in the Garden"\ — Ann Raver, The New York Times\ \ \ \ \ The Sarnia (Ontario) Observer"Pots in the Garden … blossoms with inspiring container creations for beginners and longtime gardeners alike."\ \ \