Quick Hits for New Faculty: Successful Strategies by Award-Winning Teachers

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Author: Rosanne M. Cordell

ISBN-10: 0253217091

ISBN-13: 9780253217097

Category: College teachers -> General & Miscellaneous

This is the third and latest book in the "Quick Hits" tradition of providing sound advice from award-winning college faculty. This volume is designed to help new faculty negotiate the challenges of college teaching. Articles and strategies range from planning for that first day in the classroom, to evaluating student learning, documenting teaching, and understanding the politics of teaching and learning in the department and institution. This volume expands each "quick hit" with additional...

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Helps new faculty negotiate the challenges of college teaching by providing sound advice from award-winnng college professors. Topics include: planning for the first day in the classroom, evaluating student learning, and understanding the politics of teaching and learning in the department and institution. The book guides new faculty through the start of a very important journey, a journey that ultimately will take the teacher from novice to accomplished professional.

Ch. 1Getting started1Ch. 2Grading & feedback19Ch. 3First day37Ch. 4Are you out there?55Ch. 5Getting support77Ch. 6Lessons from the disciplines87Ch. 7Keeping track117