Rethinking Pastoralism in Africa: Gender, Culture and the Myth of the Patriarchal Pastoralist

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Author: Dorothy Louise Hodgson

ISBN-10: 0821413694

ISBN-13: 9780821413692

Category: Economic Conditions

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List of Maps, Figures & PhotosAcknowledgementsList of ContributorsMapGender, Culture & the Myth of the Patriarchal Pastoralist11Gender & Material Culture in West Pokot, Kenya292Gender, Ethnicity & Social Aesthetics in Maasai & Okiek Beadwork433Women & Men of the Khoekhoen of Southern Africa724Pastoralism, Patriarchy & History among Maasai in Tanganyika 1890-1940975Women's Roles in Peacemaking in Somali Society1216Gender, Ethnographic Myths & Community-Based Conservation in a Former Namibian 'Homeland'1427The Fertility of Houses & Herds: Producing Kinship & Gender among Turkana Pastoralists1658Exalted Mothers: Gender, Aging & Post-childbearing Experience in a Tuareg Community1869Milk Selling among Fulani Women in Northern Burkina Faso20710Development Ideologies & Local Knowledge among Samburu Women in Northern Kenya22711Pastoral Disruption & Cultural Continuity in a Pastoral Town249Index265