Sartre Explained: From Bad Faith to Authenticity

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Author: David Detmer

ISBN-10: 081269631X

ISBN-13: 9780812696318

Category: French Literature

"David Detmer's Sartre Explained is undoubtedly the best introduction to Jean-Paul Sartre's ideas available today. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in Sartre. It not only provides an invaluable resource for students confronting Sartre's difficult technical vocabulary, but Sartre scholars will also find it illuminating."\ —Matthew Eshleman, University of North Carolina at Wilmington\ "Detmer explores the implications of Sartre's work both for ourselves and for our world, and in so...

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Jean-Paul Sartre is perhaps the most famous of the existentialists, and by far the most famous philosopher of the post-war era. Sartre was a highly prolific writer and thinker, and delving into his novels, plays, stories, essays, and memoirs can be challenging. Most books on Sartre focus on only one sphere of his astounding intellect — either his philosophical treatises or his forays into fiction. Enter Sartre Explained, a comprehensive guide to Sartre's versatile work, as well as a valuable overview of his life and scholarly context. Detailing the philosophical notions central to all of Sartre's work, including his fictional pieces, this guide is an essential resource for anyone interested in Sartre's full range of talents.

Acknowledgments     viiAbbreviations     ixIntroduction     1Sartre's Reputation     4Why Read Sartre?     15Phenomenology     17The Transcendence of the Ego     19Intentionality     29The Emotions     35Imagination and The Imaginary     46Nausea     51Absurdity     55Life and Art     58Why Write?     60Being and Nothingness     63Interrogation     65Destruction     66Absence     67Anguish     70Bad Faith     75Knowledge     89Others     92The Body     96Concrete Relations with Others     103Freedom     110Existential Psychoanalysis     122Ethics     134No Exit     143A Philosophical Play     145Bad Faith Dramatized     147Hell Is Other People     149Death     153The Devil and the Good Lord     159Atheism     162Conversion     163Good and Evil     165Violence     169Saint Genet     173Existential Psychoanalysis Illustrated     174Inventing the Homosexual Subject     178Freedom and Facticity     178Understanding that Overcomes Difference     181Critique of Dialectical Reason     187Marxism     188Dialectic     189Practico-Inert and Counter-Finality     191The Progressive-Regressive Method     193Criticisms of Marxism     194Two Kinds of Freedom     196Scarcity and Violence     198Totalization     200Series and Group     201The Ethics of Violence     203Inauthenticity     211Propaganda     212Priorities     213Suggestions for Further Readings     217By Sartre     217About Sartre     224Index     229