Semiconductor Growth, Surfaces and Interfaces

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Author: G.J. Davies

ISBN-10: 0412577305

ISBN-13: 9780412577307

Category: Electronics - Semiconductors

Several diverse but related topics concerned with semiconductor growth are brought together here, for the first time in a single text. Those studying semiconductor growth from any perspective will find this book invaluable and it will be essential reading for all in the semiconductor industry, whether in applications or in manufacturing.

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Several diverse but related topics concerned with semiconductor growth are brought together here, for the first time in a single text. Those studying semiconductor growth from any perspective will find this book invaluable and it will be essential reading for all in the semiconductor industry, whether in applications or in manufacturing.

ContributorsPreface1Surface reconstruction of GaAs(001) during OMCVD growth2Optical in situ surface control during MOVPE and MBE growth3Lateral quantum size effects created by growth induced surface and interface corregations on non-(100)-oriented substrates4Fabrication of quantum well wires and vertical quantum wells on submicron gratings by MOVPE5Evolution of surface morphology during epitaxial growth6Reaction Models for the Epitaxial growth of III-V semiconductors by chemical beam epitaxy7The continuing drama of the semiconducter interface8STM studies of Fermi-level pinning on the GaAs(001) suface9Probing semiconductor interfaces by transmission electron microscopy10Monitoring growth with X-ray diffraction11Electron states at semiconductor interfaces: the intrinsic and extrinsic charge neutrality levels12Control of electrical barriers at semiconductor heterojunctions by interface doping13In situ characterization and control of compund semiconductor interfacesIndex