Sense, Nonsense, and the National Curriculum

Library Binding
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Author: Michael Barber

ISBN-10: 0750701609

ISBN-13: 9780750701600

Category: Education Policies

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DedicationPrefaceCh. 1Reflections on the First Four Years2Ch. 2Teachers and the National Curriculum: Learning to Love It?10Ch. 3Observations of an Outsider26Ch. 4The National Curriculum in a Primary School34Ch. 5Equal Opportunities and the National Curriculum43Ch. 6The National Curriculum in a Secondary School55Ch. 7The LEA and the National Curriculum68Ch. 8Training for the National Curriculum75Ch. 9Resourcing the National Curriculum88Ch. 10From an Entitlement to an Empowerment Curriculum98Ch. 11The Future Getting Beyond Mastermind in the National Curriculum111Ch. 12Common Sense: A Programme for the Future121Notes on Contributors126Name Index128Subject Index129