Text Mining: Predictive Methods for Analyzing Unstructured Information

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Author: Sholom Weiss

ISBN-10: 0387954333

ISBN-13: 9780387954332

Category: Data Warehousing & Mining

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The growth of the web can be seen as an expanding public digital library collection. Online digital information extends far beyond the web and its publicly available information. Huge amounts of information are private and are of interest to local communities, such as the records of customers of a business. This information is overwhelmingly text and has its record-keeping purpose, but an automated analysis might be desirable to find patterns in the stored records. Analogous to this data mining is text mining, which also finds patterns and trends in information samples but which does so with far less structured—though with greater immediate utility for users—ingredients. This book focuses on the concepts and methods needed to expand horizons beyond structured, numeric data to automated mining of text samples. It introduces the new world of text mining and examines proven methods for various critical text-mining tasks, such as automated document indexing and information retrieval and search. New research areas are explored, such as information extraction and document summarization, that rely on evolving text-mining techniques.

1Overview of text mining12From textual information to numerical vectors153Using text for prediction474Information retrieval and text mining855Finding structure in a document collection1036Looking for information in documents1297Case studies1578Emerging directions197AppSoftware notes213