The Marketplace of Ideas: Reform and Resistance in the American University (Issues of Our Time Series)

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Author: Louis Menand

ISBN-10: 0393062759

ISBN-13: 9780393062755

Category: Academic Evaluation

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Has American higher education become a dinosaur? The New York Times - Michael Berube In the four rigorously reasonable essays in The Marketplace of Ideas, Louis Menand takes up four questions about American higher education: "Why is it so hard to institute a general education curriculum? Why did the humanities disciplines undergo a crisis of legitimation? Why has 'interdisciplinarity' become a magic word? And why do professors all tend to have the same politics?"

Introduction 131 The Problem of General Education 212 The Humanities Revolution 593 Interdisciplinarity and Anxiety 934 Why Do Professors All Think Alike? 127Conclusion 157Acknowledgments 159Index 163