The Only Grant-Writing Book You'll Ever Need: Top Grant Writers and Grant Givers Share Their Secrets

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Author: Ellen Karsh

ISBN-10: 0465018696

ISBN-13: 9780465018697

Category: Business Life & Skills

This book is designed to help nonprofit organizations craft proposals for grants from foundations, companies, and government agencies.\ Ellen Karsh, a writer and former director of the Mayor's Office of Grants Administration, in New York, and Arlen Sue Fox, associate executive director for development at Sunnyside Community Services, also in New York, significantly update this edition from 2005 by including interviews with grant makers about how the current economic crisis is affecting their...

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A new edition of the most sought-after grant-writing guide, revised and updated for grant-seekers in today’s economy

1Who am I? (and what in the world do I want to do?)32Wait a second - what is a grant...and where do I get one?113Making (dollars and) sense of grant-application packages : what grantmakers want444Getting ready to write a grant proposal625Foundations of proposal writing1046Writing (proposals) with style : twelve basic rules1097Writing (proposals) with style : tackling the blank page1268Identifying and documenting the need : what problem will a grant fix?1459Goals and objectives : what do you hope to achieve if you get the money?16510Developing and presenting a winning program17511Finding partners and building coalitions (the MOUs that roared)18612The evaluation plan : how can you be sure if your program worked?19613The budget : how much will it cost... and is the cost reasonable?20614Sustainability : how will you continue the program when the grant funds run out? (and you'd better not say, "I won't!")21915Capacity : proving that you can get the job done22616Front and back : the cover page or cover letter, the abstract, the table of contents, and the appendix23317The site visit - playing host27618So now you know - what next?282