The Sea and Other Poems/la Mer and Autres Poemes

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Author: Eugene Guillevic

ISBN-10: 0976844982

ISBN-13: 9780976844983

Category: French poetry -> 20th century

Comprehensive bi-lingual anthology of the poems of Guillevic timed to coincide with the festivities in France to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. Translated into some 50 languages in over 60 countries, Guillevic remains one of the most popular poets of Europe inspiring songs, artists, (over 100 of the worlds most prominent artists have illustrated his works) and poetry lovers everywhere. Despite his wide acclaim English language editions of his work are difficult to find and...

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Comprehensive bi-lingual anthology of the poems of Guillevic timed to coincide with the festivities in France to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. Translated into some 50 languages in over 60 countries, Guillevic remains one of the most popular poets of Europe inspiring songs, artists, (over 100 of the worlds most prominent artists have illustrated his works) and poetry lovers everywhere. Despite his wide acclaim English language editions of his work are difficult to find and often poorly translated. This edition sets a new standard for English language renditions of his poetry.

1 From Summoned (1977-82) 2 Don't try 3 What is the capital of absence? 4 From Motives (1981-84) 5 The Menhirs 6 The Canal 7 Outside-Inside 8 The Salt Flats 9 The Sea 10 From Now (1993) 11 We always want 12 Growing old 13 You haven't succeeded 14 When nothing is happening 15 I don't belong to myself 16 Space attracts 17 You, lovely bluebird, 18 What a dance 19 You don't see 20 What are you waiting for? 21 From Everydays (1994-96) 22 Pebble, probably granite, 23 From Present (1987-97) 24 If I stop looking at the ravine 25 Things 26 When suddenly dawn appears 27 Look at yourself 28 I look at a rock 29 Why talk to the stones? 30 Poetry is the impassioned quest 31 Question 32 From Possible futures (1996) 33 Silence