The Skillful Leader: Confronting Mediocre Teaching

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Author: Alexander D. Platt

ISBN-10: 1886822077

ISBN-13: 9781886822078

Category: Academic Evaluation

Based on The Skillful Teacher framework, this book is targeted to evaluators and supervisors who want a field-tested tool kit of strategies to improve, rather than remove, underperforming teachers. The text includes valuable legal notes and a model contract, case studies, assessment tools, and personal accounts of leaders in action.

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Based on The Skillful Teacher framework, this book is targeted to evaluators and supervisors who want a field-tested tool kit of strategies to improve, rather than remove, underperforming teachers. The text includes valuable legal notes and a model contract, case studies, assessment tools, and personal accounts of leaders in action. Superintendent, Boston Public Schools - Thomas Payzant "Provides policymakers, superintendents, principals, teachers, and others with a first-rate comprehensive guide to selecting, developing, supervising, and evaluating teachers to make sure that all students have quality instruction."

Chapter 1 - Introduction Chapter 2 - Confronting Institutional Mediocrity Chapter 3 - Profiles of Mediocrity Chapter 4 - Selecting Data Sources Chapter 5 - Describing Strengths and Problems Chapter 6 - Designing an Improvement Plan Chapter 7 - Model Contract Language Chapter 8 - A Principal Confronts Mediocre Teaching Chapter 9 - Detecting and Preventing Mediocrity in New Teachers Chapter 10 - Evaluation in the Early 2000s Epilogue - Voices of the Students Appendix A - The 3C's Supervisor's Survey on Competence, Conviction, and Control Appendix B - Unpromising Institutional Practices Survey Appendix C - Grading Your Evaluation Procedures Appendix D - Grading Your Evaluation Procedures (Annotated Version) Appendix E - Improvement Plan Worksheet Appendix F - Model Final Summary Evaluation Report Form Appendix G - Performance Roles of Teacher and Related Competencies

\ Roland S. Barth"The greatest contribution of this volume is the presentation of a rich repertoire of specific, field-tested ideas and strategies which any dedicated supervisor can employ to transform the mediocre teacher into the skillful teacher."\ —Founding Director, The Principals' Center, Harvard University\ \ \ \ \ Thomas Payzant"Provides policymakers, superintendents, principals, teachers, and others with a first-rate comprehensive guide to selecting, developing, supervising, and evaluating teachers to make sure that all students have quality instruction."\ —Superintendent, Boston Public Schools\ \