Tribe and Society in Rural Morocco

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Author: David Hart

ISBN-10: 0714680737

ISBN-13: 9780714680736

Category: North African History

An anthropological study of Berber society and particularly the Rifian tribes of Morocoo, a Muslim society. This book deals with the background of these tribes, their settlement in various areas and contemporary issues.

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An anthropological study of Berber society and particularly the Rifian tribes of Morocoo, a Muslim society. This book deals with the background of these tribes, their settlement in various areas and contemporary issues.

Introduction1Tribalism: The Backbone of the Moroccan Nation7Scratch a Moroccan, Find a Berber23Scission, Discontinuity and Reduplication of Agnatic Descent Groups in Precolonial Berber Societies in Morocco27The Role of Goliath in Moroccan Berber Genealogies37The Role and the Modalities of Trial by Collective Oath in the Berber-speaking Highlands of Morocco48Rural and Tribal Uprisings in Post-colonial Morocco, 1957-60: An Overview and a Reappraisal84The Rif and the Rifians: Problems of Definition105Spanish Colonial Ethnography in the Rural and Tribal Northern Zone of Morocco, 1912-56: An Overview and an Appraisal110Origin Myths, Autochthonous and 'Stranger' Elements in Lineage and Community Formation, and the Question of Onomastic Recurrences in the Moroccan Rif131Precolonial Rifian Communities Outside the Moroccan Rif: Battiwa and Tangier156Comparative Land Tenure and Division of Irrigation Water in Two Moroccan Berber Societies: The Aith Waryaghar of the Rif and the Ait 'Atta of the Saghru and South-Central Atlas172Index219