Understanding Nutrition (with CengageNOW, InfoTrac 2-Semester Printed Access Card)

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Author: Eleanor Noss Whitney

ISBN-10: 0495116696

ISBN-13: 9780495116691

Category: Nutrition - Popular Works

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This is the most widely used introductory nutrition text used by students from around the world and you will see that it's a text worth keeping! Not only will this best-selling book help you excel in your nutrition course, Whitney and Rolfes' UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION will also guide you in applying the most current nutrition research and show the relevance to your own life. UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION is at the forefront of the latest advances in human nutrition-helping you understand what the scientific facts tell us about human nutrition and health. Ellie Whitney and Sharon Rady Rolfes begin with the basics-an introduction to the nutrients;and then guide you through every important topic covered in today's nutrition courses. Linked chapter by chapter to the CengageNOW, a new online resource that provides you with PERSONALIZED STUDY tools, Thomson Audio Study Products, animations that clarify complex processes, and much more, this Eleventh Edition of UNDERSTANDING NUTRITION features everything you need to keep on top of this quickly evolving field.

1. AN OVERVIEW OF NUTRITION. Highlight: Nutrition Information and Misinformation—On the Net and in the News. 2. PLANNING A HEALTHY DIET. Highlight: Vegetarian Diets. 3. DIGESTION, ABSORPTION, AND TRANSPORT. Highlight: Common Digestive Problems. 4. THE CARBOHYDRATES: SUGAR, STARCH, AND FIBERS. Highlight: Alternatives to Sugar. 5. THE LIPIDS: TRIGLYCERIDES, PHOSPHOLIPIDS, AND STEROLS. Highlight: High-Fat Foods: Friend or Foe? 6. PROTEIN: AMINO ACIDS. Highlight: Nutritional Genomics. 7. METABOLISM: TRANSFORMATIONS AND INTERACTIONS. Highlight: Alcohol and Nutrition. 8. ENERGY BALANCE AND BODY COMPOSITION. Highlight: Eating Disorders. 9. WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: OVERWEIGHT AND UNDERWEIGHT. Highlight: The Latest and Greatest Weight-Loss Diet—Again. 10. THE WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS: B VITAMINS AND VITAMIN C. Highlight: Vitamin and Mineral Supplements. 11. THE FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS: A, D, E, AND K. Highlight: Antioxidant Nutrients in Disease Prevention. 12. WATER AND THE MAJOR MINERALS. Highlight: Osteoporosis and Calcium. 13. THE TRACE MINERALS. Highlight: Phytochemicals and Functional Foods. 14. FITNESS: PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, NUTRIENTS, AND BODY ADAPTATIONS. Highlight: Supplements as Ergogenic Aids. 15. LIFE CYCLE NUTRITION: PREGNANCY AND LACTATION. Highlight: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. 16. LIFE CYCLE NUTRITION: INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, AND ADOLESCENCE. Highlight: Childhood Obesity and the Early Development of Chronic Diseases. 17. LIFE CYCLE NUTRITION: ADULTHOOD AND THE LATER YEARS. Highlight: Nutrient-Drug Interactions. 18. DIET AND HEALTH. Highlight: Complementary and Alternative Medicines. 19. CONSUMER CONCERNS ABOUT FOODS AND WATER. Highlight: Food Biotechnology. 20. HUNGER AND GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS. Highlight: Progress Toward Sustainable Food Production. Appendix A. Cells, Hormones, and Nerves. Appendix B. Basic Chemistry Concepts. Appendix C. Biochemical Structures and Pathways. Appendix D. Measures of Protein Quality. Appendix E. Nutrition Assessment. Appendix F. NEW! Physical Activity and Energy Requirements. Appendix G. United States: Exchange Lists. Appendix H. Table of Food Composition. Appendix I. WHO: Nutrition Recommendations. Canada: Choice System and Guidelines. Glossary.