Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and Food Supplements

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Author: Phyllis A. Balch

ISBN-10: 1583332367

ISBN-13: 9781583332368

Category: Herbal Medicine

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Natural health's number-one bestseller for more than twenty years, completely revised and updated. With more than five million copies sold, Prescription for Nutritional Healing is the most trusted, comprehensive source on dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. A pioneer in the field of nutritional healing, Phyllis Balch passionately and meticulously researched and compiled this groundbreaking book. Now, a generation later, her message has more relevance than ever: consume fresh foods, avoid processed foods and those high in saturated fat, and optimize your intake of essential nutrients with the right supplements. Today's well-stocked vitamin and natural-health stores can be confusing, and people need Balch's clear, concise, landmark guide. To help them make sense of the mind-numbing array of choices that are available, readers of Prescription for Nutritional Healing will: - learn the basics of good nutrition; - find out how to balance vitamins and minerals so that the body can properly absorb both; - determine how best to treat 250 problems-from abscesses to wrinkles-using herbs, nutrition, and supplements; and - get the facts on other complementary therapies, like ayurveda, biofeedback, chiropractic care, and more. Prescription for Nutritional Healing is an essential resource for every health-minded consumer.

Preface,vii How to Use This Book,viii Part One Understanding the Elements of Health Introduction,2 Nutrition, Diet, and Wellness,3 Vitamins,13 Minerals,25 Water,35 Amino Acids,42 Antioxidants,53 Enzymes,59 Natural Food Supplements,63 Herbs,85 Part Two The Disorders Introduction,116 Troubleshooting for Disorders,117 Abscess,120 Acid/Alkali Imbalance,122 Acne,125 Adrenal Disorders,129 Age Spots,131 Aging,132 AIDS,138 Alcoholism,147 Allergies,153 Aluminum Toxicity,167 Alzheimer's Disease,168 Anemia,174 Anorexia Nervosa,177 Anxiety Disorder,179 Appendicitis,183 Appetite, Poor,184 Arsenic Poisoning,185 Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis,186 Arthritis,188 Asthma,195 Athlete's Foot,200 Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD),201 Autism,205 Backache,208 Bedsores,212 Bed-Wetting,214 Bee Sting,215 Bladder Infection (Cystitis),216 Boil,219 Breast Cancer,221 Breastfeeding-Related Problems,229 Engorgement,229 Mastitis (Breast Infection),229 Plugged Duct,230 Sore Nipples,230 Bronchitis,232 Bruising,235 Bruxism,237 Bulimia,238 Bums,241 Bursitis,243 Cadmium Toxicity,245 Cancer,246 Candidiasis,263 Canker Sores (Aphthous Ulcers),266 Cardiovascular Disease,267 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,275 Celiac Disease,279 Chemical Allergies,281 Chemical Poisoning,283 Chickenpox,283 Chlamydia,285 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,286 Circulatory Problems,290 Cirrhosis of the Liver,292 Cold Sores (Fever Blisters),295 Common Cold,297 Constipation,300 Copper Deficiency,303 Copper Toxicity,304 Corns and Calluses,305 Crohn's Disease,306 Croup,310 Cystic Fibrosis,311 Dandruff,313 Depression,314 Dermatitis,319 Diabetes,321 Diarrhea,326 Diverticulitis,328 Dog Bite,330 Down Syndrome,331 Drug Addiction (Substance Abuse),334 Dry Skin,337 Ear Infection,340 Edema,342 Emphysema,343 Endometriosis,346 Environmental Toxicity,350 Epilepsy,352 Eye Problems,355 Bags under the Eyes,358 Bitot's Spots,358 Blepharitis,359 Bloodshot Eyes,359 Blurred Vision,359 Cataracts,360 Colorblindness,362 Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye),362 Corneal Ulcer,363 Diabetic Retinopathy,363 Dimness or Loss of Vision,363 Dry Eyes,364 Eyestrain,364 Floaters,365 Glaucoma,365 Itchy or Tired Eyes,366 Macular Degeneration,366 Mucus in the Eyes,367 Photophobia,367 Retinitis Pigmentosa,367 Scotoma,368 Shingles (Herpes Zoster),368 Stye,368 Thinning Eyelashes,369 Ulcerated Eyelid,369 Xerophthalmia,369 Fever,369 Fibrocystic Breasts,371 Fibroids, Uterine,372 Fibromyalgia Syndrome,374 Foodborne/Waterborne Disease,378 Fracture,384 Frigidity,386 Fungal Infection,387 Gallbladder Disorders,389 Gangrene,391 German Measles (Rubella),392 Glaucoma,394 Gout,397 Growth Problems,400 Hair Loss,401 Halitosis (Bad Breath),404 Hay Fever,405 Headache,408 Hearing Loss,413 Heart Attack,417 Heartburn/Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD),422 Heel or Bone Spur,424 Hemophilia,425 Hemorrhoids,426 Hepatitis,429 Herpesvirus Infection,433 High Blood Pressure (Hypertension),436 High Cholesterol,440 Hives,443 Hyperthyroidism,446 Hypoglycemia (Low Blood Sugar),448 Hypothyroidism,450 Hysterectomy-Related Problems,453 Impotence,455 Incontinence,459 Indigestion (Dyspepsia),460 Infertility,463 Inflammation,466 Influenza,468 Insect Allergy,470 Insect Bite,471 Insomnia,473 Irritable Bowel Syndrome,476 Jaundice,479 Kidney Disease (Renal Failure),480 Kidney Stones,483 Lactose Intolerance (Lactase Deficiency),485 Lead Poisoning,487 Leg Ulcers,490 Legionnaires' Disease,492 Lupus,493 Lyme Disease,496 Malabsorption Syndrome,499 Manic-Depressive Disorder (Bipolar Mood Disorder),502 Measles,504 Memory Problems,505 Ménière's Disease,508 Meningitis,510 Menopausal and Perimenopausal Problems,511 Mercury Toxicity,516 Migraine,518 Mononucleosis,521 Motion Sickness,523 Multiple Sclerosis,525 Mumps,529 Muscle Cramps,530 Nail Problems,532 Narcolepsy,535 Nickel Toxicity,537 Nosebleed,538 Obesity,540 Oily Skin,547 Osteoporosis,549 Paget's Disease of Bone,554 Pancreatitis,556 Parkinson's Disease,558 Peptic Ulcer,561 Periodontal Disease,564 Pneumonia,567 Poison Ivy/Poison Oak/Poison Sumac,570 Poisoning,571 Polyps,574 Pregnancy-Related Problems,575 Anemia,576 Asthma,576 Backache,576 Bladder Discomfort/Infection,577 Bleeding Gums,577 Constipation,577 Coughs and Colds,577 Depression,577 Diabetes, Gestational,578 Dizziness,578 Eclampsia and Preeclampsia,578 Ectopic Pregnancy,579 Edema (Swelling of the Hands and Feet),579 Gas (Flatulence),579 Groin Spasm, Stitch, or Pressure,580 Heartburn,580 Hemorrhoids,580 Insomnia,580 Leg Cramps,581 Miscarriage (Spontaneous Abortion),581 Morning Sickness,581 Nosebleeds and Nasal Congestion,582 Sciatica,582 Skin Problems,582 Soreness in the Rib Area,582 Stretch Marks,583 Sweating,583 Varicose Veins,583 Premenstrual Syndrome,587 Prolapse of the Uterus,590 Prostate Cancer,591 Prostatitis/Benign Prostatic Hyertrophy (BPH),596 Psoriasis,599 Radiation Exposure,601 Raynaud's Disease/Raynaud's Phenomenon,603 Reye's Syndrome,604 Rheumatic Fever,606 Rickets / Osteomalacia,607 Rosacea,608 Scabies,610 Schizophrenia,611 Sebaceous Cyst,614 Seborrhea,615 Senility (Dementia),617 Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD),619 Shingles (Herpes Zoster),621 Sinusitis,624 Skin Cancer,627 Skin Rash,632 Smoking Dependency,635 Snakebite,638 Sore Throat,640 Spider Bite,641 Sprains, Strains, and Other Injuries of the Muscles and Joints,643 Stress,646 Sunburn,651 Thrombophlebitis,653 TMJ Syndrome,656 Tonsillitis,658 Tooth Decay,660 Tuberculosis,662 Tumor,664 Ulcerative Colitis,666 Underweight/Weight Loss,668 Vaginitis,670 Varicose Veins,672 Vertigo,674 Vitiligo,676 Warts,677 Weakened Immune System,679 Wilson's Disease,684 Worms (Parasites),686 Wrinkles,688 Part Three Remedies and Therapies Introduction,694 Aromatherapy and Essential Oils,695 Ascorbic Acid Flush,697 Ayurvedic Remedies,698 Blood Purification,698 Chelation Therapy,699 Oral Chelation Therapy,700 Intravenous Chelation Therapy,701 Chinese Medicine,701 Colon Cleansing,702 Color Therapy (Chromotherapy),703 Crystal and Gemstone Therapy,704 DHEA Therapy,704 Enemas,705 The Catnip Tea Enema,705 The Coffee or Wheatgrass Retention Enema,706 The Lemon Juice Cleansing Enema,706 The Pro-Flora Whey Enema,707 Exercise,707 Fasting,708 Glandular Therapy,710 Growth Hormone Therapy,713 Hair Analysis,713 Homeopathy,714 Hydrotherapy,715 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy,716 Juicing,717 Light Therapy,719 Music and Sound Therapy,719 Pain Control,720 Acupressure,721 Acupuncture,721 Biofeedback,721 Breathing Exercises,721 Chiropractic,722 Guided Imagery,722 Heat and Cold Therapy,722 Herbs,723 Hypnotherapy,724 Magnet Therapy,724 Massage,724 Medication,725 Meditation,726 Qi Gong,726 Relaxation Techniques,726 Tai Chi,726 TENS Unit Therapy,727 Using a Poultice,727 Sitz Bath,728 Steam Inhalation,728 Preparing for and Recovering from Surgery,729 Therapeutic Liquids,732 Yoga,732 Appendix Glossary,737 Manufacturer and Distributor Information,746 Health and Medical Organizations,755 Suggested Reading,764 Acknowledgments,767 About the Authors,767 Index,768